Thursday, December 8, 2022

This Blog's Purpose and Disclaimer

Hello, I am the writer of this blog, just call me Snakeskin. This post serves three functions, two already described in the title, and another you'll see soon enough. However, let me cut to the chase: this blog is not official. It has no relation to Aksys Games, the official translators of the Spirit Hunter series, or to Experience, Inc., the makers of the same series. This blog's translations should be taken with a grain of salt, as I am only a single person doing this in my own free time.

Now, why am I translating a game that has already had its English release announced? Simple, because I wanted to play this game as soon as possible, and since I'm going to translate it, why not show it to other fans? I originally intended to wait, however, due to the announcement not giving a specific date, I chose to go forward anyway. I just love this series too much to wait for an undetermined date when I already had to wait after its original delay, it's why I even began to learn Japanese after all.

Finally, this post's third function is to explain how I will use this blog. Every 8 days, I will update this blog with a translation, which will also feature my commentary on the game and the translation itself. My goal is to complete up to the second chapter before the English release of Death Mark II. Each post will be made of translated text interlaced with screenshots taken directly from the game's Switch port, while my commentary will be kept between angled brackets, these symbols here: [].

I want this blog to create a feeling of accuracy as much as possible to the source material in this format. Which is very hard to do, since I can't record any actual gameplay footage, but I can promise that my translation will be extensive enough to cover the most important bases. I wrote it with the thought of someone playing the game while reading it in mind, although I wouldn't recommend it, instead, I believe anybody interested in the game to wait and buy the official release when the time comes. Because there are some things I won't translate: bad endings, deaths, and a ton of flavor text (each character comments on every interactable item), among other minor things.

I hope you'll enjoy reading this blog as much as I did playing the game!

PS: I named this blog after the literal translation of this game's Japanese title, "Death Bite", which I like a lot. Also, if you're into horror games involving urban legends, I recommend checking my other blog on what I would consider Death Mark's spiritual predecessor, Hayarigami. Have fun either way!

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