Sunday, February 19, 2023

Death Mark II - Chapter Two - Part 10 - End

 Don't forget to check out the first or previous part if you haven't!

In the last part, we encounter a mysterious doll who potentially granted Yashiki a vision of the moments before Hanako's death. Following this unusual insight, we discover the decapitated remains of Horikoshi, Hanako's best friend or so we thought, as we also find her notebook, revealing that she might have had deeper feelings than expected. And now, we'll confront Hanako's spirit and bring both of their turmoils to an end. Let's begin, shall we?

"Am I sure I want to take Hanako's uniform?"
>Don't take it
>Take it

>Take it

"Obtained "Hanako's Uniform"."

[Bell rings, 3 damage to Yashiki]
The sound of the bell... it can't be...

Before I knew it... Shibito stood before me...

Ai Kashiwagi:

Next to me, Ai raised her voice empty of breath...

M y   d e a r   g r o o m

In my head... that unpleasant voice resounds...

H a n a k o ' s   r e s e n t m e n t   m u r d e r e d   M o d e l
T h e   n e x t   t o   f o l l o w   s u i t   i s   y o u
L o o k   ,   s h e   h a s   a l r e a d y   c o m e
I f   y o u   s u r v i v e   ,
y o u   s h a l l   p r o v e   y o u r s e l f   t o   b e   m y   f a i t h f u l   g r o o m

Fighting off the rising chills and vomit... I listened carefully to Shibito's words...

Hanako's resentment murdered Model
The next to follow suit is you
Look, she has already come
If you survive, you shall prove yourself to be my faithful groom

Shibito's presence disappeared...

Ai Kashiwagi:
Ai turned to me with a tense expression on her face.
I can see her whole body trembling.
She couldn't hide her shock at seeing Shibito for the first time.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "T-that was... Shibito..."
                  "I was ready for it, but it wasn't enough..."
                  "I couldn't move... I couldn't even speak..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's a natural reaction... You shouldn't worry too much."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "About Shibito..."
                  "If I remember, it only talks to you, right...?"
                  "Did it say something this time too?"
Kazuo Yashiki:

I told Ai what Shibito said to me...
"The next to follow suit is you
Look, she has already come"

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "N-no way..."
                  "Hanako of the toilet is in here..."

Ai stared at the entrance door.
Her face was strained by surprise and tinged with fear.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "That means, we already..."
                  "Can't escape from here?"

We're out of time...
How can we both survive?

"Information on "Confrontation with Hanako" has been added to the Spirit Files."

Spirit File - Chapter 2 - Hanako of the Toilet:
 Confrontation with Hanako:
  Just as the letter warned, Horikoshi has been killed by Hanako. The only way to solve this case is for me to confront Hanako. Then, I must think. What is the meaning of Hanako's words, "Give it back"? My opponent is a spirit. If I confronted her, she would try to kill me. Is there any way to combat her? For example, was there anything that Hanako hated before she died?
  Additionally, if we are to save Hanako, what is the key? There seems to be some kind of misunderstanding between Hanako and Horikoshi regarding their hidden feelings. How can we unravel and communicate them to Hanako? I am also concerned about Shibito, who appeared just a few minutes ago, but I don't need to think about it right now. I just need to concentrate on the confrontation with Hanako.

[We can't do much in the art preparation room, so let's go to the art room proper]

I can hear the eerie sound of water coming from somewhere...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Mr. Yashiki, could that now have been...?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, I heard it too..."

[A cutscene starts playing]

[Yashiki hurriedly runs to the door]

[Before reaching it, the room darkens and some drops of water fall from the ceiling]

[Those drops become waterfalls, staining the ceiling black]

[The camera cuts to behind Yashiki and Ai, before returning to Yashiki's view]

[Hanako drops from the ceiling like a hung corpse. Fade to black]

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "W-we need to get out of here!"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "It's no use..."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "...T-that's Hanako. What do we do...!?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  " 'What do we do'...?"

The Hanako in front of me is a monster that kills people.
Then, we should run away as soon as possible. That's what my instincts are screaming at me.
But, if we did so, there would have been no point in coming to this Academy.
To get to the truth of this case, we'll have to face the terror named Hanako...

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...Uniform...give it back...

[A violent water splash effect attacks us]
Something was released from Hanako at a tremendous speed, grazing my flank!
[6 damage to Yashiki]

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Guh, what was that force?"

Touching my side, I can see that part of my coat is ripped and wet from the water.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "What just flew here was..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Y-yeah, but it wasn't regular water. It was as sharp as a blade."
                  "If we get directly hit, we'll be screwed."

Hanako has laid bare her anger towards us.

"Before anything, what should we do about the angered Hanako?"

>With Ai's help

>Broken Mop
>Hanako's Uniform
>Promised Lyrics

>Throw the uniform back to Hanako - Execution Rate 093% - Cost: 02
>Hold out the unfolded uniform - Execution Rate 091% - Cost: 01

>With Ai's help
>Throw the uniform back to Hanako
Together we threw Hanako's uniform in her direction...
The thrown uniform flew toward Hanako and eventually fluttered down to the floor...

"Lost "Hanako's Uniform"."

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...That mine...

It seems this choice was correct.
[Hanako comes closer, now swinging from side to side]

Hanako approaches to verify the uniform...

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...Sure uniform...

Hanako stares at her uniform lying on the floor...

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...You stole it! Unforgivable!!

[Two water strikes fly out, dealing 3 damage to all]
Hanako's water blades attack us in succession!
Hanako is furious and intensely agitated...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "No... we'll be killed at this rate..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, so it seems..."

If we can't quell her anger, should we counterattack and pull through this situation...?

"Is there a way for us to discourage Hanako?"

>With Ai's help

>Broken Mop
>Promised Lyrics

>Push the mop toward her face - Execution Rate 093% - Cost: 02
>Push the mop toward her stomach - Execution Rate 093% - Cost: 02

>With Ai's help
>Push the mop towards her face
We both grabbed the broken mop and shoved it at Hanako's face...
We both took a step forward and stretched out our arms as far as we could, and the tip of the mop reached Hanako's face!
...Or so we thought...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "No, it didn't work...!"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Damn it, it was useless...?"
Hanako of the Toilet:

Hanako began to suffer violently in response to the smell of milk on the mop.
Hanako Akai hated milk. That trauma seems to be still in effect even now.
It seems this choice was correct.
The bloodlust coming from Hanako disappears in an instant...

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...Help me...Nao... [Sobbing]

As Hanako begged for help, she staggered towards us...

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...I'm lonely, Nao...


Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What do you mean? I thought you killed Horikoshi..."
Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...Nao, killed...?
                  ...Lies, lies, lies...
                  ...I didn't kill...I didn't kill...

It appears that Hanako already can't remember killing Horikoshi.

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...Nao, our promise...
                  ...Promised song...Where? Nao...

That promise probably is those lyrics.
In that case, if we can convey Horikoshi's feelings, written down in that song...
Fortunately, we have a piano here. With Ai's help, we should be able to do it.

"How can we convey "Hanao's Song" to Hanako's thoughts and save her?"

>With Ai's help

>Promised Lyrics

>Show her the lyrics - Execution Rate 099% - Cost: 01
>Sing the lyrics - Execution Rate 090% - Cost: 02

>Sing the lyrics
I asked Ai to accompany me on the piano so I could sing the promised lyrics myself...
Ai begins to play the prelude to the school anthem I heard from the boombox...
I remember the melody reasonably well. No problem, I should be able to sing it.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "(Now, the first bars will be crucial...)"

Checking the lyrics again, I wait for the right moment to start singing...
[Yashiki does actually sing them, by the way]
I sing carefully, at the top of my voice, matching Ai's accompaniment...
The lyrics are filled with...
Horikoshi's genuine feelings for Hanako.
That being either their friendship or even...

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...That song... Is that you, Nao...?
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "(That's right Hanako, listen carefully.)"
                  "(The promise between you and Horikoshi was kept...)"
                  "(You aren't alone.)"
[Fade to black]

...And so, "Hanako's Song" came to an end.
All the while, Hanako of the toilet listened attentively.

It seems this choice was correct.

Hanako of the Toilet:
                  ...Nao, I'm so happy...
                  ...Our kept it...
                  ...Thank you...

[She fades away in smoke]
Hanako of the toilet's presence has disappeared...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "It's over, right...?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's what it looks like..."

Naomi Horikoshi's weakness led to her betrayal. Hanako Akai couldn't forgive such a thing.
However, their bond did not fade away.
The promised lyrics' melody made Hanako of the toilet remember that.
What the... this sensation...
I feel someone's eyes on me... Who in the world could they be?

[Hanako reappears for a second before the screen goes red, then returns to normal]

T-that now was...
I think I saw Hanako's figure for a moment...
But she should have disappeared... Impossible...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Ai... Did you see that?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Eh? See what?"

Ai couldn't see it...
Was that just my imagination? Otherwise, was it something only I could see?

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "...No, forget about it."

I'll believe it was my imagination... Now that it has been settled...
Hanako of the toilet should have been saved...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Let's go soon, Mr. Yashiki."
                  "We need to tell Mr. Daimon and Moe-chan about this quickly."
Kazuo Yashiki:

Something's been dropped on the floor...
It looks like a notebook page.

To Nao,
I'm sorry for running away the other day. I was surprised at your sudden confession.
I'm also sorry for the delay in replying. I have been thinking about it since then. How should I respond to you?
I thought that if your feelings were serious, I would have to give a serious answer too.
And now, I finally came up with an answer.
I really like you.
But, I still don't know if my 'like' and your 'like' are the same. I would like to find out together with you. If they are the same, that would be wonderful.
I wish you all the best in the future, dear Nao.

"Obtained "Notebook Page 3"."
Notebook Page 3:
 Explanation - A torn page from a notebook. It is written in strong handwriting, as if to match the author's heightened emotions.
 Details - Information can be confirmed
 Obtained from - Old Building First Floor - Music Room
 Weight - 1.3 grams

This is a draft of a letter written by Hanako Akai to Naomi Horikoshi.
Surely, it was never cleaned up and ended up only as a rough draft.
If these feelings had been conveyed, I am certain their fate would have changed.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "If only..."

For Hanako of the toilet's sake... there might be something I can still do.
The place where I last saw "her"...
I have a feeling that I could deliver the feelings Hanako left behind there.

"Information on "Hanako's Conclusion" has been added to the Spirit Files."

Spirit File - Chapter 2 - Hanako of the Toilet:
 Hanako's Conclusion:
  The faint feelings Horikoshi harbored were supposed to be delivered to Hanako through Hanao's Song. However, the bullying destroyed everything before the two could reach a mutual understanding. Hanako, who had believed in her best friend, turned her friendship into hatred in reaction to the bullies' lies and eventually killed Horikoshi with her own hands. The only redeeming aspect of this story is the expression on Horikoshi's face when she died.
  However, for now, I would like to think that we were able to rescue Hanako. However, a touch of uneasiness remains. What was that Hanako who reappeared then disappeared after the confrontation? A notebook page was left behind by Hanako. Written therein was a reply to Horikoshi's confession. I wish there was something I could do to convey her feelings to the deceased Horikoshi.

"Information on "Hanako Akai" has been added to the Character Files."

Hanako Akai:
 A sophomore at Konoehara Academy. She is a quiet girl that was a member of the concert band. Naomi Horikoshi, a student from the same grade, was her best friend, but they became estranged after she confessed her feelings to Hanako. She was chosen to play the piano for the school song, but because of this, she was subjected to insidious bullying by Izumi and his group. While being bullied in the bathroom, her foot slipped and she hung herself with a hose to death.

[We're free to go where we want now. Before anything, I chose to go back to the bathroom where we found Horikoshi's decapitated head]

This is where Naomi Horikoshi's head was.
Here was the last place she was seen. Maybe we can convey Hanako's feelings here.
I took out the page recording the letter's rough draft.
Then recited Hanako's reply out loud.
This is probably nothing more than meaningless self-satisfaction.
I don't want to lose respect and compassion for the dead... that's all I wish for.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I hope this reaches Ms. Horikoshi."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, I want to believe so too."
[The bell rings just once]

Just now, the bell rang...
I quickly look back at Ai.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Um, what's wrong?"

Ai looks at me strangely.
Apparently, I was the only one who heard it.
...I waited vigilantly for a while, but nothing seemed to happen.
What was that all about?

[Now that we've done that, I return to the infirmary]

This concludes tonight's investigation.
I should call out to Moe and Daimon and report what happened to Hanako of the toilet.

I inform Daimon and Moe on Hanako of the toilet's end.

Moe Watanabe:
                  "Is that so...?"
                  "In the end, we couldn't protect Ms. Horikoshi."
Kazuo Yashiki:
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun, I understand how you feel, but don't be too regretful."
                  "It is not easy to save someone. We doctors are full of such regrets."
Kazuo Yashiki:
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "I tell myself this every time:"
                  "It might not have been possible this time...
                   But, in the next, I'll be sure to save them."
                  "That's how we have to live. We helpless humans."

Daimon looks at me with a lonely gaze.
He must have seen many scenes of life and death with his own eyes.
His repeated agonies are not even comparable to my own.
I wonder, am I really... a person as strong as Daimon?

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Ah, it's my phone."
                  "Sorry! Please excuse me!"

After saying that, Ai left the infirmary.

Moe Watanabe:
                  "Hey, mister."
                  "Hanako of the toilet's gone, but the case still isn't over, right?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's correct. Shibito still remains."
                  "That thing said to me that, 'if you survive,
                   you shall prove yourself to be my faithful groom'."
                  "It looks like it's testing me with the warning letters."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Woah, trouble really loves you, doesn't it?"
                  "Wouldn't it stop if you no longer played along?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "No, that'd be dangerous."
                  "Shibito's obsessed with Yashiki. If he ignored the letters..."
                  "It may go to even more extreme measures to get his attention."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "I see. Then, after all..."
                  "There's no choice other than to search for Shibito in this school, yeah?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It's the only way to proceed with the investigation without provoking Shibito."
                  "The thing itself expressly emphasized being "hidden in the Academy"."
                  "It looks like it wishes to be found."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "It wants to be found by its dear groom, huh?"
                  "But, how are we supposed to find it?"

>We search for suspicious people
>We search using spiritual tools
>I can't even begin to consider how

>We search using spiritual tools
Moe Watanabe:
                  "You mean, depend on spiritual tools when in times of need?"
                  "But, sadly, I didn't get such a convenient spiritual tool from Ms. Yasuoka."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Hmm, we don't have enough information."
                  "Until we get a clue as to its true identity,
                   we're going to have to play along with the warning letters."
                  "It's frustrating, honestly."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "I wonder if something's wrong with Ai-chan. She still hasn't come back."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Cough... I'm getting a bad feeling."
                  "I may be thinking too much. However, there's always a worst-case scenario."
                  "We should search for her, Yashiki-kun."

...Together with Daimon, we search through the specialized and new buildings. But we couldn't find Ai anywhere.
Daimon, with his cell phone, kept calling Ai, however...
Ai wouldn't answer.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Cough cough... Where is Kashiwagi-kun?"
                  "Only the old building remains. But there's no way she'd go there..."

[Let's see then]

[The moment we enter, the clock tower bell rings, dealing 6 damage to Yashiki]
!? The bell's ringing...

M y   d e a r   g r o o m

This is... Shibito's voice...

Y o u r   b r i d e   s h a l l   b e   c o n s u m e d   s h o r t l y   h e r e a f t e r
I   s h a l l   d e v o u r   H a n a k o ' s   s o u l
I   w i s h   f o r   a   s o u l   w i t h   t h e   e x q u i s i t e   f l a v o r
o f   c o m p l e t e   s a l v a t i o n

Your bride shall be consumed shortly hereafter
I shall devour Hanako's soul
I wish for a soul with the exquisite flavor of complete salvation

H o w e v e r   ,   i f   h e r   s o u l   l a c k s   t h a t   t a s t e
I   s h a l l   c o n s u m e   a   s u b s t i t u t e   ,   t h e   s o u l   o f   a   l i v i n g   s a c r i f i c e
T h a t   s a c r i f i c e   b e i n g

However, if her soul lacks that taste
I shall consume a substitute, the soul of a living sacrifice
That sacrifice being...

I d o l

What did Shibito say...
The sacrifice is Idol...

P l e a s e   c o m e   t o   y o u r   b r i d e ' s   s o u r c e

From the direction of the girls' bathroom, I hear the sound of a door opening...

Kazuo Yashiki:
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "You stopped all out of the sudden, is there something wrong?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "T-the voice..."
                  "I heard Shibito's voice..."

I told Daimon what Shibito said...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "What on Earth..."
                  "Kashiwagi-kun being a sacrifice... cough cough!"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "No, that still hasn't been determined."
                  "It requested a soul that has attained complete salvation."
                  "As long as we can grant that request, then maybe Ai will..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "But, what is that 'complete salvation'?"
                  "And why did it target Kashiwagi-kun?
                   Why does a spirit eat other spirits? Why..."
Kazuo Yashiki:

I responded to his questions with silence. There was no way I could know what that spirit was thinking.
Besides, it's too late to think about anything else now. We have to proceed before it's too late...
We need to go to that door and answer Shibito's invitation.

Something can be heard in the darkness that extends to the back of the women's restroom...
A raw, damp, unpleasant sound...
This is... the sound of something being eaten?

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "T-the back..."
                  "Something's... in the back..."

I aim the flashlight at the back of the restroom...
A scene emerges from the darkness...
It was...

A hellscape that defies human reason...
The sight of a spirit... consuming another spirit...
The spirit being eaten was... Hanako of the toilet...
The spirit doing the eating was... Shibito...
Shibito uses a worn-down sickle to cut Hanako's body...
Then carries that "piece of meat" to one of its myriad maws and ravenously bites down on it...
It tears Hanako over and over...and over...
And bites...bites...bites...bites...bites...bites...bites...bites...bites...bites...bites...
[Distorted laughter]
Shibito lets out a laugh...
It doesn't even try to attack us. It just keeps carving Hanako up and chewing on her "pieces of meat"...
That thing is making a display of her... humiliating her soul with this disgusting scene...

Shuuji Daimon:

Daimon is... at a loss for words...
It seems it's the same for me... No words come out... Even breathing... hurts...

T h i s   s a v e d   H a n a k o   h a s   a   m a r v e l o u s   t a s t e
I   h a v e   e a t e n   m y   f i l l   f o r   t o n i g h t   ,
m y   n e x t   m e a l   s h a l l   b e   o n   t h e   n e x t   n i g h t

This saved Hanako has a marvelous taste
I have eaten my fill for tonight, my next meal shall be on the next night

I   m u s t   e a t   a   g r e a t   a m o u n t
T o   g a i n   a   b e a u t i f u l   f o r m   a n d   b e   l o v e d

I must eat a great amount
To gain a beautiful form and be loved

Hanako's soul had a great taste. In other words...
Shibito's wish for "complete salvation" was fulfilled?
Shibito's and Hanako's figures are engulfed by darkness, eventually vanishing...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Wh... what was that..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
[Piano sounds out]
                  "That now was... piano notes..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "The music room... could Kashiwagi-kun be there!?"

[We head for the music room]

Nobody's around the piano...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun, it seems nobody is here, but..."
                  "Maybe we should check in the music preparation room?"

[Let's check there then]

Kazuo Yashiki:

In the middle of the preparation room's darkness... a human figure stands alone...
That is... Ai...
Looking blankly into the darkness where nothing exists... looking as if her mind was not here...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Ai! Get a hold of yourself!"

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Mister... Yashiki?"

After regaining consciousness, life returns to Ai's facial expression.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Are you alright? Any injuries?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I-I'm... fine..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Hum, she's showing mild symptoms of cyanosis,
                   but it doesn't seem to be serious."
                  "Do you know what happened to you, Kashiwagi-kun?"
                  "I-I don't know too..."
                  "I answered a call outside the infirmary... but it was cut off suddenly..."
                  "I tried to go back inside... but someone was there..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Was it Shibito?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I think they were... human."
Kazuo Yashiki:

Last night, Izumi, before his murder, said that "Shibito is pretending to be a human".
Sure enough, Shibito is hiding in this school...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Ai! Who were they!?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "T-they were... um..."

Ai falls silent while looking at a single point in the air.
She surely must be ruffling through her memory.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "...Sorry. I can't remember."
                  "I don't remember their face or their clothes...
                   It's like there's a fog inside my head..."
                  "I'm sorry."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "You don't even remember if they were a man or a woman?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "As that person approached closer,
                   everything in front of me turned to pitch black..."
                  "From then on, I don't have any memories...
                   Not even of how I came to be here..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Is that so...?"

I thought this was our lead to Shibito's identity, but... it seems it didn't work out.
There is no point in blaming Ai. Just the fact that she's safe is enough for now.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "...Well, Yashiki-kun."
                  "The fact that Ai's safe means that..."
                  "We accomplished complete salvation, doesn't it?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, I guess so."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "I wonder what this complete salvation could be?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That... I don't know."

All Shibito showed was the result. There was no explanation whatsoever.
But... there are some clues.
When I read the notebook page in the girls' toilet, only I heard the #sound of the bell#.
Maybe that has something to do with this...
Perhaps it's a chime that indicates the "right choice" that leads to complete salvation.
[Cut to black]
There is nothing more we can do tonight.
After locking up the doors, I left the school with the other Mark-bearers.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "I'll tell Mr. Konoe about Ms. Horikoshi's situation."
                  "He has some influence over the police in this area too.
                   He should be able to do something about this."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "How dangerous, this Mr. Principal. I can feel the darkness of society..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "But, you can count on him."
                  "If it weren't for him,
                   it wouldn't be strange if we were brought in for questioning."
                  "Do you think they would believe in spirits?
                   If we were careless, we'd be put in jail."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "That's right... since people have died..."
                  "Ms. Horikoshi, I'm sorry..."
                  "But, the reason Ai-chan was targeted..."
                  "Was it jealously or something after all?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Yep. Shibito thinks you're its groom, right?"
                  "Wouldn't a working idol be a formidable rival for it?"
                  "Shibito probably thought something like that...
                   That's why Ai-chan was targeted."

Given Shibito's bizarre obsession, that's a possibility.
But there's nothing to corroborate that. We're dealing with a spirit after all.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Um, Mr. Yashiki..."
                  "Will you continue to pursue Shibito even after this?"

>I have no choice but to pursue it
>I don't want to continue, but...
>I'm the one being pursued here

>I'm the one being pursued here
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "That may be the case."
                  "It seems to be really obsessed with its "dear groom"."
                  "But, it's strange..."
                  "There are many other men out there, so why specifically you, Mr. Yashiki?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's something I don't understand too."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "If there was some kind of "trigger"..."
                  "I think it could be a clue to finding out Shibito's true identity."

The true identity of Shibito, the "thing hidden in this Academy"...
This case won't be over until I figure out this enigma.
I have a hunch that... Shibito wants that too.

Chapter Two - Hanako of the Toilet

Let's end here. Although I'm a bit sad that we don't have a special confrontation section like in the previous games, I do find this game to be pretty fun. However, this also marks the end of this blog. I've reached my goal, and while I don't know when the official translation will be released, I do believe it'll be soon enough. Also, working on these two blogs is taking too much of my time, and I'll no longer be having so much free time due to University. I hope you guys enjoyed this while it lasted and will buy the game once its out here. Also, if you could, please check out my other blog, it's about a similar type of game that I also think you'll enjoy.

Either way, goodbye!