Saturday, February 11, 2023

Death Mark II - Chapter Two - Part 9

 Don't forget to check out the first or previous part if you haven't!

In the last part, we learned of an unexpected complexity to Horikoshi's and Hanako's relationship, one that would make one of them even throw their life away to meet with the other. Additionally, we were introduced to more game mechanics to make the Suspensive Acts easier (which, might I add, can still be pretty hard even with all spiritual items available equipped, and if you're wondering what this means, I advise you to read the previous post). But anyway, now we'll discover if Horikoshi's fate is as damnable as it seems, or if there is a slight hope. Let's begin, shall we?

[We continue to the third floor, where we can hear a weird song]

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What is this song..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "This sounds like the school anthem..."
                  "But, why would it be playing in this place...?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I don't know, but I think we must search for what's causing it."

[Since that's related to music, I've decided to change partners]

[Now, let's continue]

[Here's where the music's the loudest]

There is a small radio-cassette player atop the desk.
This seems to be the source of the blaring anthem. A cassette tape is spinning inside.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "L-let's stop it at once! The song it's playing is so eerie!"

The tape stopped once the stop button was pressed. And a solemn stillness returned to the old building.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "That now was Konoehara Academy's school anthem, right?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "You know your stuff, Ai."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "That's right! I did my homework before I went undercover!"
                  "I can even sing and perform the song right here!"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's all well and good, but...
                   What's the connection between our search for the spirit and the anthem?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I'm a musician, so I'm interested in music in general."
                  "So, well, I kinda ended up putting my interest first."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I-I see. That's very like you."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Thank you!"
                  "Now what do we do with this radio-cassette player, Mr. Yashiki?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Let's see... Maybe I should take it with me, just in case."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Yeah, I agree!"

"Obtained "Radio-cassette Player"."
Radio-cassette Player:
 Explanation - A small, easily portable radio-cassette player. The school anthem recorded on the cassette tape is easy on the ears and can be memorized after listening to it several times.
 Details - Information can be confirmed
 Obtained from - Old Building Third Floor - Old 3-C
 Weight - 600 grams

I take out the radio-cassette player and turn on the switch.
[Click, the music turns on]
Konoehara Academy's anthem begins to flow out of the speakers.
[Click, music stops]
I turn off the player's switch.

[Let's continue exploring]

A CRT TV has been put here.
Perhaps due to the humidity lingering in the classroom, the screen is covered with what appears to be mold.

A large boombox, television, some fluorescent lights, and other items have been placed around negligently.
I guess they put all the equipment they no longer used in this classroom.

[There's nothing on the locker/closet, again. Let's exit]

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "...Um, Mr. Yashiki?"
                  "This is just a thought, but why don't we go to the old music room?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I don't mind, but why say that all out of the blue?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "According to the notebook page..."
                  "The music room was a fond place for Ms. Akai, wasn't it?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Uh-huh, seems like it."
                  "They practiced playing the school anthem and thought about its lyrics there."
                  "Together with her best friend Horikoshi, too."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I think there might be something connected to Ms. Akai in a place like that."
                  "What do you think, Mr. Yashiki?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Let's try going there, to the music room."

[We go all the way down, but when we reach the first floor]

I can hear piano notes...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "T-that just now was..."
                  "Notes from the piano in the music room... right?"
Kazuo Yashiki:

There is 'something' in the music room...
Could it be... Hanako of the toilet?

Someone is sitting in the chair in front of the piano...
They were a girl wearing a red dress...
Cracks like cobwebs running across her skin... a gaping hole in place of her right eye...
She wasn't human...
But a doll...
I've met a doll like her before...
She had a mind of its own, and she could speak...
Then, is this one like that too...?
[Something slams on the piano keyboard, everyone takes 1 damage]

T-this feeling is...!?
[Fade to white]

...Nao...Help me...
 [This line's spoken]

A vision has been projected into my brain. It was...
It was a view of a bathroom stall.

There, a girl wearing a red suspended skirt is seconds away from hanging herself.
She stood on her tiptoes above a bucket, her neck through a rubber hose.
A boy and a girl are happily watching the scene.
The boy's face was familiar. It was of the last night's victim, Toshihiko Izumi.


Toshihiko Izumi:
                  "Haha, go for it, keep it up. Then I might give your uniform back."
                  "I'll give it back if you can properly play "pretend hanging",
                   Hanako-chan of the toilet."

Hanako Akai does not have time to answer. She is struggling to keep her body in position.
If she were to step out of the bucket, the hose would strangle her.
That girl's desperate situation apparently was found to be quite amusing by Izumi and his companion.

Concert Band Girl:
                  "But Izumi, are you seriously okay with this?"
                  "If Horikoshi finds out, we're in big trouble. That woman's Hanako's best friend."
Toshihiko Izumi:
                  "Haha, don't worry about it."
                  "I've talked to Horikoshi. She ain't gonna bother us anymore, you know."

Hanako's legs almost stumble.
But she barely holds on.

Concert Band Girl:
                  "Really? What great friends they are."
Toshihiko Izumi:
                  "Horikoshi said something, actually."
                  "She said, I have nothing to do with Hanako."


She can't stop her legs from shaking...

Toshihiko Izumi:
                  "It's really funny."
                  "Hanako was betrayed by Horikoshi."'re terrible...
...What kind of best friend...

Toshihiko Izumi:
                  "...Oops, it's already this time."
                  "Well then, Hanako-chan. We're already going back."
                  "Please clean everything up~"

Izumi and his crony have left.
Hanako has been left behind with a hose around her neck.

...I can't...anymore...

[A flash with a thump, the image's gone but you can hear Hanako's gasps]
Whether intentional or accidental... Hanako stepped out of the bucket.
[Cut to black, silence]
In the empty old building, for a long time...
The creaking of the hose from which she hung echoed...

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Hana, are you in here?"
                  "!? N-no..."
                  "Hana... you can't be..."
[We return to the side view]
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "........." [Gasps]

The vision of death left my head...
And in that span of time, so too did the girl in the red dress disappear...
That sight... Did she show it to me?

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Umm, there's no one near the piano, right?"

Ai's demeanor remains the same...
Like the vision, the female doll was something only I could see...

Kazuo Yashiki:

I feel horrible... like the sickness you feel when you drink too much strong alcohol in one gulp...
Maybe it's because I was affected by the deep despair that Hanako Akai held...
However, thanks to that I now know... the true nature of her grudge...

Izumi and the group that bullied her...

Horikoshi, the friend that betrayed her...
Her intense resentment towards them gave birth to Hanako of the toilet.
As long as that hatred remains, her grudge will never be lifted.
In order to save Hanako, we need the "key" connected to her grudge. But what is it?
Perhaps, in the location where my vision took place...
There might be something left at the site of Hanako Akai's death.

[Let's go there then.
It's on the third floor.
In the girl's bathroom.
Nothing on the first stall.
Nor on the second stall.
But on the third...]

Horikoshi awaited inside the bathroom stall...
Wide open eyes, staring at us...

She had become... only a head...
Surely... she was murdered at that time...
At the moment of her death, Horikoshi was smiling...
An ecstatic smile, as if released from all anguish... Such is this smile...
From what suffering was she saved...?
That aside... this unbalanced combination of a freshly severed head and colorful hoses...
She was murdered differently from Izumi, his face left disfigured and drenched in dirty water...
Perhaps she was trying to decorate her close friend's death with color, like mourning flowers at a funeral...

Ai Kashiwagi:

Groaning, Ai grabs my shoulder.
Her hands were shaking so much you could see it through her coat.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Ai... let's leave this place..."
Ai Kashiwagi:

[She's run behind Yashiki]
Ai Kashiwagi:
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "A-are you okay?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "L-let's leave... quickly..."
                  "I don't want to be here..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
I pull Ai's hand, who's about to collapse, and head for the restroom exit...

[Female whispers]
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "T-that voice just now...?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah... Hanako's coming..."
                  "Kh, what's going on? Where's the door handle!?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "What the!? Why is there no handle? And the door's soaking wet too..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "No matter what, we need to go outside..."

I try to put my finger in the door gap to open it...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Damn it, it's useless."

Because of the slimy water that seeps endlessly, the door shows no sign of opening...
Moreover, the door is somehow cold and heavy like ice.


[Everyone takes 3 damage]
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Ah, it hurts!"

Together with the sound of bursting water, a shock runs through my back...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Listen, Ai, don't look back."
                  "Right now, all we need to think about is how to get out of here."

I can feel Hanako's presence right behind me.
If we stay any longer, we'll suffer the same fate as Izumi and Horikoshi.
But what are we supposed to do about this door, covered in dirty water and lacking a handle...?

>With Ai's help

>Broken Mop

>Stick it to the door and push it open - Execution Rate 65% - Cost: 02
>Stick it to the door and pull it open - Execution Rate 65% - Cost: 02

[The execution rate may be low, but every failure will add 20% to the rate]
>With Ai's help
>Stick it to the door and pull it open
The two of us pushed the plunger against the door with great force!


Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "(Kh, please! Please let the plunger stick like this!)"

Pulling on the plunger, the two of us try to open the door...
Then the door opened with a bang!
It seems this choice was correct.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Yay! Let's go outside fast!"

Ai and I escaped from the bathroom safely...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "W-we're saved, it seems..."
                  "But... we couldn't protect Ms. Horikoshi..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I'm sorry... Horikoshi..."

Had we detained Horikoshi in the music room back during the evening, she might have been saved...
Murky regrets welled up and swirled in my chest...
But for now, we have more important things to do than regret... the night has not yet dawned...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Can you move, Ai?"

I remember Ai's pale face right after discovering Horikoshi's corpse.
If she's approaching her physical and mental limits, it'll be difficult for her to continue the investigation.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Y-yes. I'm fine now. Sorry for troubling you."
                  "Let's continue with the investigation, Mr. Yashiki."
Kazuo Yashiki:

It seems the shock is still there. But, she's trying to stand her ground against the case.
In that case... I'll believe in Ai.

[We're safe now, so let's just go back to the stall]

All traces of Horikoshi's death had disappeared... Just like with Izumi...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Where did Ms. Horikoshi go..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Well... We don't know."
                  "All we can do now is look for anything that she may have left behind."

A tagged key has been dropped here.
I picked up the tag and it read, "Old Building, Music Preparation Room".
This must have been the key Horikoshi took from the key box in the new building's preparation room.

"Obtained "Old Building Music Preparation Room Key"."
Old Building Music Preparation Room Key:
 Explanation - A key that fell where Naomi Horikoshi's dead body once was. The key tag attached to it reads, 'Old Building, Music Preparation Room'.
 Details - No information
 Obtained from - Old Building Third Floor - Girls' Bathroom
 Weight - 16 grams

The door has no handle attached...
I put my finger in the door gap to force it open. Now it's much easier without any slime.
[I found this funny, to be honest, but anyway, let's use that key]

I can't open the locked door.
Behind this door probably is the music preparation room.
I take out the old building music preparation room key from my bag and insert it into the keyhole.
Upon turning the key, a small clicking noise was heard, and the lock was released.

Some cardboard boxes have become discolored due to deterioration.
Inside was a school bag. The nametag on the bag indicated that it belonged to Horikoshi.
In her bag was a uniform for girls. And by the green ribbon, I'm guessing it belonged to a sophomore.
It seemed a size too small for the tall Horikoshi.
Just to be sure, I checked the pockets, but couldn't find anything unusual.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "It's just a simple uniform. I don't think we need to bring it with us."

[And we don't. That's clearly Hanako's uniform though]

Lots of yellowed sheet music has been stuffed inside the cardboard boxes.
The scores have been distorted by moisture, and all of them are riddled with insect-made holes.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "They're in horrible conditions... What a waste."

[Let's check the tuba then]
There is a large brass instrument on the floor. It appears to be a tuba.
I don't see any dust near it. Everywhere else I look seems dusty... Why?

Upon closer inspection, there are hand prints on it. It appears that someone has recently lifted this.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I'm curious..."
                  "Okay, I'm going to lift it up. Please check what's underneath, Ai."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "OK! Please do so!"
Kazuo Yashiki:

The tuba's... heavier than I imagined...
Because I lifted it from the proper position... a ton of strain is being put on my back...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "P-please don't force yourself..."

Once Ai completed her search, the tuba was put back in its original place.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Mr. Yashiki, this was below the tuba."
                  "I wonder if someone was trying to hide it."

Ai handed me a locked diary.
I wonder what it says... I better give it a detailed look.

"Obtained "Locked Diary."
Locked Diary:
 Explanation - A diary with a lock attached. The initials "N.H." are written in the corner of the cover.
 Details - Information can be confirmed
 Obtained from - Old Building First Floor - Music Preparation Room
 Weight - 380 grams
The diary has a dial lock.
I might be able to open it if I enter the correct three-digit combination.
Let's try inputting three-digit numbers into the dial lock.
[I actually was given a prompt to enter some numbers, I chose 870]

I set the dials to "870".
Then, the combination lock released itself.

[Here's the explanation: if you remember, the key to Hana and Nao was "Hanao". In Japanese, the numbers have different pronunciations, even when using the Arabic numerals, the ones used in the code would be HAchi, NAna, and rei (they also use zero sometimes). Now, there's clearly no connection between 'rei' and 'o', but just like how Horikoshi uses English letters to brand her stuff, using the English 'O' makes the connection to '0' apparent. However, I was wondering how you'd localize this puzzle to English. My idea is very simple, add in a line saying something like "The dials have Japanese numerals instead of Western digits.", and also a hint after the first failure/cancel that names the numbers. I believe that should be enough, but I'd like to know what you guys think.]

I quickly opened the diary and looked over the contents.
The diary was written over several pages in not particularly good handwriting.
It seems to chronicle the events of the last few months. Which period of the diary should I read?

>Stop reading

[Let's go one at a time]

I found a nice place. It's the music room in the old building. The room is no longer in use, but a piano is still there. Hana can play the piano there as much as she wants. That's our meeting spot.
Hana's running for the accompanist spot for the school anthem. Loving the piano so much must have given her the courage to do that. Do your best, Hana!
Our school's anthem sounds good, but the lyrics are lame. When I told Hana about it, she replied, "You should try thinking of one". I think I'll make one. A school anthem just for the two of us.


Hana was chosen as the accompanist for the concert! Congratulations! I can't wait to come up with lyrics for the anthem too.
Whenever I have free time, I only think about Hana. It's fun to be with Hana. She makes me happy because she's my best friend? If only it was just that...
I can't stop thinking about Hana. I can't get anything done. I can't take it anymore. I'll tell Hana how I feel tomorrow. Somehow, please! I hope Hana feels the same way!
I told Hana my feelings for her in the music room. Hana was surprised, then ran away with a tearful look on her face. I was left alone.
Hana stopped coming to the music room. What if she tells everyone about what happened? Scary scary scary scary...


Hana's being bullied by Izumi. It seems it's because of the piano accompanist position. This is ridiculous! Why Hana!?
Unforgivable... I should be careful of Izumi. Despite what happened, I still like Hana.
Izumi called for me. That guy knew my secret, my feelings for Hana. He said that he stole the notebook where Hana wrote them down.
Izumi told me not to interrupt if I didn't want it to be exposed. I wanted to hit him... but I couldn't move. We're the worst... both Izumi and me.
Hana died... hanged in the old building... They made her take off her uniform and wear strange clothing... If I... If only... If only I had stopped Izumi... I'm sorry... Hana...


I've heard the rumors of Hanako of the toilet. If you write graffiti in the old building's toilets, you can meet Hana. I don't care if it's a ghost. I want to see Hana again. I want her to finally listen to the lyrics I promised I'd write.
I snuck into the old building and wrote graffiti. But I couldn't see Hana.
I snuck into the old building and wrote graffiti. I still couldn't see Hana.
Rumor has it that Hana's ghost is saying to "give it back". I know what 'it' is. I know what Hana's looking for. If I have it with me, I might be able to see Hana. Tomorrow, I'll go to Hana's house to borrow it.
If I meet Hana, I want to apologize first. And I want to hear her answer to my confession. How did she feel about me at the end? I know she must hate me... But I still want to know.

A folded piece of paper has been sandwiched between the diary pages.
When I opened the paper, lyrics were written within.
The title of the writing is "Hanao's Song". The song's content is about the future and friendship.

"Obtained "Promised Lyrics"."
Promised Lyrics:
 Explanation - Original lyrics written by Naomi Horikoshi to accompany the school anthem. Their title is "Hanao's Song"
 Details - Information can be confirmed
 Obtained from - Locked Diary
 Weight - 0.3 grams

[I won't even try to rhyme it]
Let's go search for the pure white door to the future
I'll paint the promised red flower once more
I'll put my wish on the secret key that I keep in my heart
I can feel the smile playing music next to my heart even now

>Stop reading
...After reading the diary, I've become convinced. This is, without a doubt, Horikoshi's diary.

The reason Horikoshi went to the old building was to meet with Hanako of the toilet.
And Horikoshi was going to return "something" to meet with Hanako.
By now, I should know what it is. I just need to find it.

[I think we already know what that is, let's return to the left-most boxes]
Some cardboard boxes have become discolored due to deterioration.
Inside, a uniform has been placed into Horikoshi's bag.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Um, Mr. Yashiki?"
                  "Could the "thing Hana's searching for" Horikoshi wrote in her diary be..."
                  "Maybe this uniform?"

It certainly seems like so.
In the September section of the diary, there was an entry where Horikoshi wrote she had borrowed something from Akai's parents.
If it's this uniform, that would fit quite nicely.
The object Hanako wants to be "given back"... Horikoshi must have believed it was her uniform.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I guess she brought the uniform to meet with Hanako of the toilet."
                  "But tonight, Ms. Horikoshi was targeted by Hanako."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "So the uniform wasn't needed.
                   Horikoshi ended up being killed before she could return it."
                  "However, why is it here?"

I wonder what Horikoshi did in the time between our separation in the new building and her death at the hands of Hanako...
After sneaking into the old building, Horikoshi first came to this music preparation room.
Perhaps she was reminiscing about the days she spent with Hanako until late into the night.
In the meantime, she hid her diary in the tuba.
I still have no idea why she chose to hide it, but...
I wonder if she wanted people who followed her and Hanako here to read this.
Before long, Horikoshi left the music preparation room.
It must have been an impulsive act, seeing as how the uniform is still in here.
Perhaps she heard Hanako's voice calling her name.
Horikoshi, who ran out of the preparation room, eventually...
Met with the long-searched-for Hanako of the toilet.
And then, Horikoshi...

Hanako's uniform, left behind by Horikoshi...
It seems Hanako of the toilet is searching for this.
If I take this, we will be most likely targeted by Hanako of the toilet.
I have to think it over and make a decision... Am I sure I want to take Hanako's uniform?

>Don't take it
>Take it

[Let's end it here, this choice will begin Hanako's confrontation, and that's very long, so I'll save it for the next post. Now we know everything, from Hanako's fate to Horikoshi's perspective in the course of events that led to her death, so the only thing left is to bring a conclusion to their stories.]

See you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow it's interesting how things turned out. I also wonder where the bodies go after Yashiki and his companion sees it.
