Monday, January 2, 2023

Death Mark II - Chapter One - Part 4 - End

 Don't forget to check out the first or previous part if you haven't!

In the last part, we come across our first truly paranormal experience, in all its hostility. We were able to save Principal Konoe at the cost of his grandfather's legacy (Symbolism or foreshadowing?), but the same could not be said for Izumi, as he ran away the moment he could. Now, we must refind the redisappeared student. So, let's begin, shall we?

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Look at the floor... There's a blood trail..."

Such a large amount of blood could only have come from Izumi's wrist.
The blood trail leading from the music room connects to the entrance of the old building.
A large puddle of blood pooled there. The blood was also stuck on the door.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Izumi-kun must have tried to escape to the outside..."
                  "But the door didn't budge."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What do we do now...?"

When I put my weight against the door, it opened so quickly it was hard to believe.
We found no traces of blood outside the old building.
As expected, Izumi was unable to escape...

Seizou Konoe:
                  "This amount of bleeding..."
                  "Izumi-kun is... probably already..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
Seizou Konoe:
                  "However, Yashiki-kun..."
                  "Where did Izumi-kun go?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I have no idea... I don't know where he went, but..."
                  "If only there was a clue..."

Saying that, our eyes turned down the hall.
Amidst the darkness, the trail of blood stretched all the way to the back of the hall...

[The blood trail ends here, in the girls' bathroom. Seriously, Izumi?]

The word "annoying" is written on the mirror with a red marker.
It may be an insult aimed at someone, but their name hasn't been written.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "It doesn't seem like blood... phew."

[Let's go one at a time, just in case]

[In the first stall, there's only the toilet]
The surface of the toilet bowl is black and dirty. It looks like it hasn't been cleaned at all.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "That's because the old building's not being used. Everywhere's dirty."

[In the second stall, we have some interesting stuff]
A light pink-colored handkerchief lies here.
It's a branded item with an elegant design. The initials "N.H." are embroidered on the edge.
Also, there are ink stains on the handkerchief.
There is a faint pungent odor from the stains.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "This smells like acidic detergent.
                   It's likely that a bit of toilet detergent is clinging to it."
                  "Was it used by someone trying to erase the graffiti over there?"

"Obtained "Stained Handkerchief"."

Stained Handkerchief:
 Explanation - A handkerchief with a red stain. It's slightly damp, with a pungent odor that pierces the nose, and looks as if it has been used to wipe off red ink. "N.H." has been embroidered on the handkerchief, which appears to be initials.
 Details - No information
 Obtained from - Old Building First Floor - Girls' Bathroom
 Weight - 27 grams

Something has been scribbled here with a marker.

**'s shitty at the piano
Everyone's gonna notice ** when the school anthem comes up

The parts with a name are faded and seemingly unreadable.
Just like the graffiti in the new building, this one's filled with insults. I wonder who's being bullied by the writer.
Speaking of pianos, the disappeared Izumi seemingly is "Playpiano"... Could there be a connection?

[Almost forgot the closet]
This appears to be a place to store cleaning supplies used to wash the toilets.
I opened the door but found it empty.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Mhm, I don't see anything that could be used as a weapon.
                   Now that my knife's broken, I feel very insecure."

[Let's enter the third stall]
The blood trail leads to this stall...

Seizou Konoe:
                  "I-Izumi-kun! Are you in there!?"

...No reply came back.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "H-he really is... already..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I'm going to open it, headmaster... is that alright?"

There was no reply from the principal.
In its place, he nodded robotically with a dumbfounded look on his face.
[Stall door creaks]
I put my hand on the handle of the door and slowly apply pressure...
[Door creaks louder]

The blood trail is simply cut off inside the stall...
Yet Izumi's figure is nowhere to be found...

Seizou Konoe:
                  "I don't get it at all... what is this..."

The principal utters in a pitiful voice mixed with tears. I can understand that feeling.
But, there's no use complaining about it.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "We need to investigate every inch of this restroom."

These are fresh traces of blood as if they had just been smeared here.
Most likely, by Izumi after being attacked by those hoses I believe.
Considering the amount of bleeding, he's already...

[Very short description. With nothing more in this stall, we leave, but the moment we do, the screen flashes white for a split-second and a girl screams]
Suddenly, a piercing cry cuts through the silence...

Seizou Konoe:
                  "W-what... that voice just now..."
                  "I think it came from the hallway. but..."

[The sound of a rope being stretched can be heard]
What... this sound is...
Coming from the direction of the classroom's hallway... I can hear something creaking...


A woman's voice can be heard...
A hollow moan, as if about to vanish...

Kazuo Yashiki:

Kazuo Yashiki:

There hung that girl... Himeko Douryou...
Everywhere we looked we saw unnatural sights beyond our comprehension...
A girl soaked in sewage is hung by a swarm of rubber hoses...
Sewage and rubber hoses... Just like Izumi at that time...
[Water flowing]
Countless rubber hoses dance and sway...
They look like vipers, raising their crooked heads, threatening their prey...

Himeko Douryou:

A pained exhale escaped from the gap between Doryo's lips...
That's right... if we don't help her quickly...
I reach for a rubber hose, trying to get her down to the floor...
And then the hoses disappear, sending her body falling.
No, it's not just the hoses that are gone...
The sewage that had soaked her shirt had vanished before we realized it...
There are no traces left behind... as if that whole event was an illusion...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Hey, are you okay!?"
Himeko Douryou:

Douryou didn't respond. She must have fainted.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "What was that... just now..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Think about it later! We need to bring her to the infirmary now!"

After putting Douryou on my back, I retrieved her blazer, which had fallen nearby.
And together with the principal, we headed for the infirmary.

Once we arrived at the infirmary, I laid Douryou down on a bed as she slept.
She's unconscious but breathing calmly. This should be okay, probably.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Headmaster, let's resume our search. We haven't found Izumi yet."
Seizou Konoe:
Kazuo Yashiki:
Seizou Konoe:
                  "!?  S-sorry."
                  "There's so much going on... My head was a little fuzzy."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I can wait if you're having a hard time."
                  "No, that won't be needed."
                  "How could I not protect this school? What would my grandfather think of me?"
The principal smiled weakly. It was a fake smile that anyone could notice.
Only his sense of responsibility to his grandfather, the founder of the school, motivates him.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Understood... Let's go to the old building then."

Douryou's lying on the bed. She's still unconscious.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "I know you are concerned about her. But right now, Izumi takes precedence."
                  "Let's go back to the old building, Yashiki-kun."

Seizou Konoe:
                  "You know, Yashiki-kun..."
                  "Why not check the first floor girls' bathroom once again?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I think we've searched it thoroughly enough..."
Seizou Konoe:
                  "But we haven't found Izumi-kun yet!"
                  "The blood trail leads to the bathroom! He can't be anywhere but there!"

The principal raised his voice hysterically.
It's obvious that he's nervous and frustrated. There's no doubt that he's nearing his physical and mental limits.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "...Alright. Let's search there again just in case."
                  "It's not like we have any other options."

"Information on "Searching for Izumi" has been added to the Spirit Files."

Spirit File - Chapter 1 - Shibito Magire:
 Searching for Izumi:
  I'm tracking down a student named "Izumi" whose whereabouts are unknown. I believe his name was also on a poster in the music room. Izumi, badly wounded during an encounter in the music room of the old building, has since disappeared again. Following Izumi's bloodstains to the women's restroom, I found some red graffiti and a handkerchief seemingly left behind.
  Izumi seemed frightened of something and was running away after being attacked. It appears to be related to the contents of Shibito's warning letter. Furthermore, what is the truth behind the circumstances found in the bathroom? If we can find that out, we may be able to get closer to "Hanako of the Toilet" and the reason behind the attack on Izumi. I have to investigate where the bloodstains lead, the last stall.

[There's not anywhere else we can go but the bathroom]
What the, I can hear water...
But... where in the world is it coming from?

[I checked everywhere but the last stall and found no difference. Let's cut to the chase then]

[Drip, drip, drip]

Inside, a male student sits atop the toilet...
Something grows in bundles from his eye sockets... They're thin rubber hoses...
From them, filthy water spills endlessly... This is the source of that watery sound...
With his eyeballs gone and his face covered in blood, it's hard to imagine what he originally looked like...
But there is a clue to his identity... His left hand was missing from the wrist onward...
There's no mistaking it... He is Toshihiko Izumi...
His mouth, opened wide to the limit, tells of the pain Izumi suffered...
Perhaps, while still alive, his eyeballs were pushed out from the inside by the hoses...
However, with the blood loss from his wrist...
I suppose he didn't suffer in pain and fear for very long...
Maybe, that was his only solace...

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Hey, Yashiki-kun, what's wrong?"
                  "What on Earth did you find in..."
                  "!?" [He screams]

The principal screamed and ran out of the bathroom...
Terror made him reach his limit...
[Loud heartbeats]
I'm in shock myself, I can't even think straight...
Let's get out of this women's restroom... We need to go back to the infirmary and figure out what to do...
I move my trembling legs and head for the exit...
[Text speed has slowed down a lot] ...What the? I can't lift my legs.
Something's tangled on my ankles...
A long, narrow. and elastic... blue thing...
This is... a rubber hose...

[Distorted female whispers]
Looking at the mirror, I see something waning over there...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "(...W-what is that? Is it... a person?)"

A dress shirt spilling out of a red suspender skirt. Exposed limbs are black from top to bottom...
Swaying from side to side, it looks like a hanging corpse.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "(Gh, that's... Hanako of the toilet...?)"
[Screen shakes]
The hose moves up from my legs to my waist... my chest... my neck...!

My body's liberty was stolen... I can't even move my mouth...
At this rate, I'll be killed at her mercy...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "(Damn it! Not in this place!)"

I can barely move one of my arms...


The words that spilled out of the girl's mouth were filled with anger...
It seems she thinks I wrote the graffiti on the mirror...
The hoses are getting tighter and tighter. I need to do something, or I'll be strangled...
Maybe I could use something from my bag to save myself...

[We can only choose Yashiki, so I'll skip taking a screenshot]
"How can I clear up the girl's misunderstanding regarding the graffiti?"
>Stained Handkerchief
>Music Room Poster
>Red Marker

>Stained Handkerchief

>Insert into the tip of a hose - Execution Rate 085% - Cost: 02
>Wipe off graffiti - Execution Rate 085% - Cost: 02
>Investigate the handkerchief - Execution Rate 095% - Cost: 01

>Wipe off graffiti
I pulled the stained handkerchief out of my bag and reached for the graffiti in the mirror...
Wiping off the graffiti with the handkerchief might clear up the misunderstanding.
I extend the handkerchief to the mirror...
Then, I rubbed it against the word annoying in the mirror...

The hose binding my shoulders loosened slightly.
Did this clear up the misunderstanding...?
Maybe erasing the graffiti let the girl know I wasn't a bad person...
It seems this choice was correct.
In any case, this will allow me to move my arms a little more freely.


What does she mean by "not bully"?
By some chance, was this girl bullied while alive...?

...Who? Don't know...
...I-I am... who...?

This time, she said, "I am who?"...

Who, who, whowhowho!!

The girl shouts again.
[4 damage to Yashiki]
The hoses' tightening becomes stronger...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "...Gh, w-what's it this time?"

The girl appears to be exasperated, unsure of who she is.
If so, maybe I need to tell her this...

[Please ignore the inconsistent health]

[Same here, only Yashiki]
"How can I tell her who she is?"
>Stained Handkerchief
>Music Room Poster
>Red Marker

>Red Marker

>Write "Izumi" in the mirror - Execution Rate 085% - Cost: 02
>Write "Akai" in the mirror - Execution Rate 085% - Cost: 02
>Write "Hanako" in the mirror - Execution Rate 085% - Cost: 02
[The name written on the last option is different from the poster's 'Hanako']

>Write "Akai" in the mirror
I reached out my arm with the red marker and tried to write "Akai" in the mirror...
With all my might, I bring the marker closer to the mirror, fighting against the restraints of the hoses.
I managed to get the nib to the mirror and with a slight flick of the wrist, I was able to write the characters of...

Hanako Akai...
This was the name of the girl listed as a piano player on the music room's poster.
The "Hanako of the toilet" Douryou spoke of.
But, could it be that she's not the Hanako written with the Kanji for "flower", but the Hanako with the Kanji for "blossoming"...? [I had to adapt this line a bit]
And if the girl who was being bullied was Hanako Akai...


I was released from the hose bindings.
Her own name, she was able to remember it...


The girl's figure sunk back into the darkness...
I wonder if that means that the now-recovered Hanako of the toilet has forgiven me...
It seems this choice was correct.

[I made quite a few mistakes, oops]

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "T-this is..."

As soon as Hanako of the toilet's presence was gone, the girls' toilet received a complete makeover...
The hoses and the blood were cleanly removed... as if nothing had ever happened...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "...There's no way!?"

I ran over to the back stall where Izumi's body was located.

There was nobody inside...
No hoses or sewage were left behind... the same as when those hoses attacked Himeko Douryou...
It was all a dream... or so it seems...
And now, there's no evidence of the incident...
All that remains is that the student Toshihiko Izumi has disappeared.
Surely, the police will treat him as one of the tens of thousands of people who go missing every year.
Just like the victim of the first warning letter.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "This is a case the police can't handle..."
                  "If so, then I..."

...Let's go back to the infirmary first now. The runaway principal may be there.
If I want to pursue this case or not... I should decide that afterward.

"Information on "Hanako's Identity" has been added to the Spirit Files."

Spirit File - Chapter 1 - Shibito Magire:
 Hanako's Identity:
  In the girls' bathroom in the old building, we found Izumi's lifeless body, murdered by inhuman means. Immediately after that, I encountered the spirit of a girl filled with murderous intent. She looked like the Hanako of urban legends and seemed to be the Hanako mentioned in the warning letter. After surviving her attack, the girl's former name, from when she was alive, was revealed to be "Hanako Akai". Hanako (花子) was actually "Hanako" (華子).
  After the encounter with Hanako, the possibility that she was bullied in some way before her death emerged. Perhaps the cause of Hanako's transformation into a spirit might be hidden within her bullying and Izumi's death. However, Izumi's body had vanished without a trace. Just as in that previous bizarre incident, the days of terror are about to begin again.

[Btw, have you noticed that another button in the bottom right has unlocked? The very first button is a fast-travel option to the infirmary, let's use it]

When I returned to the infirmary, the principal was there, as expected. He's talking to Douryou, who's laying on the bed.
I should talk to him and report my findings.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Yashiki-kun! You're back!"
                  "About what happened earlier... I'm sorry."
                  "I was so startled by the sight... that I found myself running..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "...Is that so?"
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Indeed, also, Douryou-kun's waken up!"
                  "I told her about you. How you saved her life."
                  "Now, Douryou-kun, say thank you to Yashiki-kun."

Himeko Douryou:
                  "Mr. Yashiki... Thank you very much."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Are you feeling better now?"
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Yes, somehow..."
                  "Um... And Izumi-kun?"
Kazuo Yashiki:

The principal didn't tell her yet. He was probably concerned with his student's mental health.
But, I want to ask Douryou a question. I can't afford to misrepresent the facts.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "...I understand."
                  "I'll tell you all about what I went through tonight."
[Cut to black]
                  "...That is all."
                  "I'm sure it all sounds unbelievable. But we have no choice but to believe it."
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Izumi-kun... has been murdered..."

Douryou says only that before falling silent.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "You've done a great job of surviving against a vicious ghost, Yashiki-kun."
                  "I have to admit, I thought you were a very dubious man..."
                  "But I was right to ask you. Seriously, thanks for the help."

The principal smiles at me. However, that smile is uneasy and frail.

Himeko Douryou:
                  "Izumi-kun died just like how Shibito's warning said..."

The once-silent Douryou blurts out.

Himeko Douryou:
                  " "If you become interested in Shibito's true identity,
                      you'll become his next target." "
                  "That rumor was true after all..."

Douryou's voice trembled slightly.
Is it the shock from a student council colleague's death? Or is she that afraid of Shibito?
Before the trembling Douryou...
>I try to reassure her
>I ask her about what happened
>I remain silent

[I forgot to take a screenshot, oops. But, in this case, I don't think it matters much. Let's reassure her, just like how I'm doing it to myself]
>I try to reassure her
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "It is true that there is "something" lurking in this school."
                  "But, you shouldn't worry. The headmaster and I are here."
Himeko Douryou:
                  "...Alright. Thank you for your concern."
[Knock, knock]
Girl's Voice:
                  "Coming ii~n!"

Following the sluggish voice, a girl enters.
The girl's hair has been dyed completely white. To think this school's rules were so liberal.

White-haired Girl:
                  "Found you~. There you are, Hime-chan."
                  "Where's Izumi, though?"
Himeko Douryou:
White-haired Girl:
                  "Hime-chan? What's wrong?"
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Hey you, what's your name?"
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Michiho Kinukawa.
                   I'm the student council's vice president and Hime-chan's friend."
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Kinukawa-kun and Douryou-kun... It's about time.
                   You should hurry up and go home."
                  "We'll do something about Izumi-kun."
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Let's go home, Michiho."
Michiho Kinukawa:
It seems this will be the way we're going to break up.
Both the principal and Douryou don't want this student, Kinukawa, to know what happened tonight.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "I'll send you two a car.
                   I would feel awful for your parents if anything happened to you."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Ah, then there's nothing to worry about."
                  "Hime-chan and I both live in the dormitory. It's a minute's walk from the school."
                  "Ah, but we're breaking curfew,
                   so the superintendent's gonna shout his head off at us."
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Really. Then I'll give him the heads-up."
                  "Be careful on your way home."
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Then please excuse us, Mr. Headmaster, Mr. Yashiki."

After bowing deeply, Douryou left with Kinugawa.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Yashiki-kun, you're probably tired too."
                  "Go home today. I'll contact you about the case later."
Kazuo Yashiki:
Seizou Konoe:
                  "I want to be alone for now... please."

"Information on "Michiho Kinukawa" has been added to the Character Files."

Michiho Kinugawa:
 A white-haired girl who goes at her own pace. She is a second-year student at Konoehara Academy. Friends with Himeko Douryou, she is the vice president of the student council. She is a mood-maker with a laid-back atmosphere that makes everyone around her feel at ease. She is fond of insects and wears insect-shaped accessories. Although she appears to be lax, she is quick-witted and has a surprisingly strong sixth sense. PS: Additional pages will be added when conditions are met.

I should go home tonight already. My car's parked in the parking lot near the main gates.
Earlier, I thought I would be able to leave through the specialized building, but the door was already locked.
I should go to the shoe lockers in the first floor's center. The door might be unlocked there.

What...? There's a slip of paper on the floor.
It wasn't there the last time I passed by.
On the paper, in red letters, was a short sentence.

                                  To Marebito 
I am waiting for you in the crossing-over corridor
With deepest love, Shibito            
[Marebito means 'visitor from afar', but is also the name of a spirit that brings happiness from the heavens]

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "T-this is..."
                  "Is Marebito meant to be me? Is Shibito... waiting for me?"

It said that Shibito is waiting for me on the passageway...
If I go, I may be able to reach closer to Shibito's true identity...
But that's... the same as moving toward certain death...

Kazuo Yashiki:

I can turn my back in fear and run away...
I just need to leave through the exit near the shoe lockers...
Should I face my fears, or turn my back on it... That's the question...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "In that case... I will..."

[You get a bad ending if you try to run away, so I won't show what happens]

[Let's finally see what Shibito looks like]

[Clock tower chimes, dealing 5 damage]
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What the... Is the bell ringing?"
                  "Gh... My head..."

A strange figure... stands in the darkness...
A spindly, skinny physique... with an unnaturally large head on top of it...
It couldn't be...
That's... Shibito...
[Deep, distorted voice laughs]
This laughter... is it Shibito's...?
Looking at it... is it smiling?
Just by being stared at... I feel my body heat being stolen away...
Not good... If this keeps up...
Quickly... quickly... I can't run away...
I-it's useless...
I'm so scared... my legs...

Shibito's... gone...
Am   I   saved  ?

...Something's... behind me...

[Constant laughter]
O n   t h i s   g r e a t   d a y   ,   l e t   u s   e x c h a n g e   v o w s

...Fading and scattering... through my consciousness... a broken voice... echoes in my head...

I   s w e a r   w e   s h a l l   b e   t o g e t h e r   ,   f o r e v e r

M y   d e a r

M a y   I   b i t e ?

Chapter One - Shibito Magire - Complete

Here ends the first chapter. It looks like meeting it face-to-face wasn't the best idea, but now we're linked to this case much more than we originally were, which isn't really a good thing. As I said in my previous posts, I'll continue to the second chapter, where most of the other game mechanics are introduced. Hopefully, by its end, we'll have a set date for the English release.

Anyway, see you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Wow the images for this game did not hold back on the shock factor and nightmare fuel. And the ending of the first chapter, I wonder what the bite will do to Yashiki.
