Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Death Mark II - Chapter Two - Part 5

 Don't forget to check out the first or previous part if you haven't!

In the last part, we completed the first chapter of Death Mark II with a meeting with our main antagonist, Shibito. The encounter ended suddenly after Shibito bit Yashiki. What happened to him? Not to mention, we failed to stop Hanako, how are we going to deal with her? Let's see it for ourselves, shall we?

The following day, in the Kujou Manor...

The phone's ringing... I have to answer it.

Kazuo Yashiki:
Seizou Konoe:
                  "It's me, Konoe."
                  "That was quite the trouble I put you through last night. Did you get some rest?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Well, you can't get a good night's sleep after seeing something like that, can you?"
                  "Same for me here. I still can't believe it."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "...So, headmaster, what can I do for you?"
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Right. Let's cut to the chase."
                  "Your help is needed again. We received a warning letter from Shibito."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "So soon, huh..."
Seizou Konoe:
                  "I'll tell you the details in person. But I have some business to attend to now."
                  "I will be back at the school around 5:00 in the evening.
                   Come by around that time. Okay?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, understood."

I ended the call with the principal.
Looking at my watch, I see there's still some time before evening.
I should think over last night's incident while drinking some coffee to fight off the drowsiness.
I too am having a hard time believing what occurred last night. For now, I should put my thought in order.
Well, what should I think about first...

>Think about Shibito
>Drink coffee
>Add sugar

>Add sugar
I took one sugar cube out of the sugar pot.
Then dropped it into the cup and stirred it with a spoon.
I have to think about the case...
[Wait a bit Yashiki, you need your coffee]

>Drink coffee
I look at the coffee I brewed to help me stay awake.
I grounded the beans myself, which were shipped directly from South America, and added various adjustments to make this coffee something to be proud of.
It's my best friend during my contemplative moments.
Intertwining my fingers around the handle of the coffee cup, I sip the darkness within.
............ [Sipping noises]

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "It's still too bitter..."

I have to think about the case...

[I try adding some more sugar]

>Drink coffee
I reach for the cup again and drink some coffee.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "It's finally getting better, but..."
I have to think about the case...
[Alright, let's do that then]

>Think about Shibito
Last night, I was attacked by Shibito...

The words Shibito spoke then... ominous whispers like insects crawling in my brain...
Even now, one night later, they still ring in my ears...
It said this...
"On this great day, let us exchange vows"
"I swear we shall be together, forever"
These phrases are like those of a wedding pledge.
Shibito appears to be obsessed with me, as shown by that piece of paper.
And also...

M y   d e a r
M a y   I   b i t e ?

...That's when I lost consciousness.

Then I found myself lying in the passageway.
I looked around, but there was no sign of Shibito.
I don't know what Shibito's thinking. However, following its warnings...
It uses spirits to harm the students, that much is true.
Now, what should I think about next...

[The first option was replaced with a new one]
>Think about spirits
Last night, I encountered Hanako of the toilet... There's no mistaking it, that was a spirit.

Even after death, the resentment of those who died unnaturally does not extinguish.
That strong resentment gives rise to supernatural beings... it births spirits.
Spirits resent the living and attempt to kill them. I saw that with my own eyes last night.
There is a way to make spirits disappear. That is to erase their resentful thoughts.
To do so, we must investigate the spirit and learn the true nature of their grudge.
Investigate and eliminate spirits... that's what I'm supposed to do.
Four months ago, a certain bizarre incident brought me face to face with several spirits.
But, I barely survived.
That was possible thanks to the help from the Mark-bearers in my investigations.
Now, what should I think about next...

[The option was replaced again]
>Think about the Mark-bearers
The Mark-bearers... they were my reliable allies.

They were those who had been inflicted with the "Mark", a scar that foretold of death, due to spirits that began to appear in H City four months ago.
Including me, there were 13 Mark-bearers.

We Mark-bearers worked together to survive until we finally resolved the "Mark" incident.
Our connection still remains after that. Even now, we sometimes tackle bizarre cases together.
The person who introduced me to the principal for this case was a Mark-bearer who works as a school doctor over there.
Are we doomed to be unable to escape this strange relationship with the bizarre?

[Bong, bong]

The grandfather clock in the mansion's entrance hall chimes.
The time for my appointment with the principal is near. I should begin preparing for my departure soon.
I packed the necessary items in my favorite bag.
An old notebook and my flashlight. Not to mention the tools I collected at the school last night.
The "key" to extinguishing a spirit's grudge... can be found where the spirit resides.
Preparing in advance is useless. So this amount of luggage is fine.
I completed my arrangements and moved to the garage.

Then, I got into my beloved minivan.

Konoehara Academy High School...
The school building stands in an area called Konoehara, which stretches over the high ground on the outskirts of H City.
Constructed in the early Showa period, the school building is designated as a tangible cultural property of H City.
Although the building has undergone several renovations, the exterior and interior remain largely unchanged.
[Continuous car noises]
Konoehara Academy is about 20 minutes away from the Kujou Manor.
The principal told me that, right now, there are no parking spaces available on campus.
I had no choice but to park my car in the parking lot right next to the school.

Konoehara Academy had already entered the after-school period. Students were leaving one after another.
Everyone's expression was somewhat gloomy. Was it because of the Shibito affair?
I followed the same route as yesterday to reach the specialized building.

I check the clock at the corner of the entrance. There is still some time left until the appointed time.
In that case, I should go to the infirmary.
The Mark-bearer doctor who introduced the principal to me, Daimon may be there.

...There's nobody in the infirmary. Not just Daimon, but also the school nurse is nowhere to be seen.
I heard from Daimon before that it's not mandatory for high schools to have nurses, but...
As an outsider, I am beginning to wonder if everything is really all right.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "It should be about time. I need to go to the faculty office."


>Student Council Room
>Faculty Office
>New Building

[We have quite a few places to go, but we can only go to one of them]
>Faculty Office

As I enter the faculty office, the principal notices me and clasps his hands together before I approach him.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Oh, Yashiki-kun. So you came."
                  "That is, to continue the investigation, right?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, you got it right."
Seizou Konoe:
                  "I really appreciate it. Thanks."
                  "So let's get right to discussing the case. Now, where to begin..."

>About the dead Izumi
>New warning letter
>Regarding investigating the school

>About the dead Izumi
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Izumi's case hasn't become a crisis just yet."
                  "Before long, he'll be reported as a missing person,
                   but it probably won't become a criminal case."
                  "Seeing that his body up and vanished."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "So the only people who know the truth are us
                   and the student body president, Douryou?"
Seizou Konoe:
                  "The vice-president, Kinukawa-kun, also knows.
                   I heard that Douryou-kun ended up telling her."

Kinukawa, as I recall, is that white-haired girl. She said she was Himeko Douryou's friend.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "I ask of you to not tell anyone about this. This is your client's order."

>New warning letter
Seizou Konoe:
                  "It seems that, this morning, the warning letter was found
                   placed on top of the music room's piano."
                  "Here, this is it."

The letter looks the same as the one seen last night. It's definitely written by Shibito.

                                   To Model
Hanako will kill you tonight
I will be watching, hidden in the Academy
With deepest love, Shibito            

"Obtained "Letter to Model"."
Letter to Model:
 Explanation - A warning letter telling of death that arrived at the school. It was placed atop the piano in the music room of the new building before anyone realized it.
 Details - Information can be confirmed
 Obtained from - Seizou Konoe
 Weight - 1 gram

The last recipient was Playpiano... the piano player Izumi.
This time it's Model... who could that be?

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Headmaster, do you have an idea of who "Model" could be?"
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Uh, sorry, but I don't. Because I've just been appointed as headmaster."
                  "I've asked the teachers, too, but haven't gotten any worthwhile answers."
                  "Please investigate on your end. I'll leave it to you."

>Regarding investigating the school
Seizou Konoe:
                  "I want you to commence your investigation in earnest at our school today."
                  "It's all for the sake of solving this case.
                   I'll even allow interviewing the teachers and students."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I'm an outsider. Are you really sure?"
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Yes, I know, I know."
                  "That's why I even had to bow down to my friends
                   in the Board of Education to let this issue go."
The principal presented me with a single document.
Its title was "Special Contract Lecturer Service Certificate".

Kazuo Yashiki:

And written below was the name "Kazuo Yashiki".

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Headmaster... What kind of joke is this?"
Seizou Konoe:
                  "I will become a teacher at our school.
                   This will allow you to move freely through the campus."
                  "Consider it a measure for solving the case.
                   You don't mind, do you, Professor Yashiki?"

>Please forgive me, but I can't
>It can't be helped
>I don't have a teaching license

[Let's be serious here, we don't want to do anything illegal, do we?]
>I don't have a teaching license
Seizou Konoe:
                  "Don't worry. Special contract lecturers don't need a license."
Kazuo Yashiki:

I can only stare in awe at how abruptly it all developed...
Good lord... for me, of all people, to become a teacher...

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Well, that's about all I can tell you about the case."
                  "I tried talking to a friend on the police force,
                   but as I suspected, he didn't believe me."
                  "He even worried about my sanity.
                   The only person I can count on is you, after all."
                  "Well then, please get started on your investigation right away.
                   You can walk around as you please, except in the old building."
                  "However, there might not be many students left here."
                  "It's almost dismissal time, and recently,
                   I've been instructing teachers not to give detentions."
                  "You know, after that happened."

I assume he's referring to the first warning letter incident.
A mysterious warning letter was sent, a person went missing, and even the police came.
The school has no choice but to do something about it.

Seizou Konoe:
                  "Oh yes, you can use the infirmary as much as you like."
                  "As a matter of fact, the school nurse is down with a cold.
                   Daimon-kun is taking care of her now."
                  "As Daimon-kun's friend, I'm sure there's no problem leaving it in your hands,

 I should go to the infirmary once before starting the investigation. Daimon might have returned.

[We're back to the room selection, but all other places are empty, so we can only go to the infirmary]

Girl's Voice:
                  "Ah, you're back!"
As I entered the infirmary, I heard the sound of a cheerful voice.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Good morning! Mr. Yashiki!"
                  "Mr. Daimon said he'd be coming late because of an emergency."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "W-wait a minute please."
                  "Ai, why are you here?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "To help, of course."
                  "Mr. Daimon told me about Shibito."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "...Could you please explain this situation?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Okay, leave it to me!"

>About Ai
>Reason for being here
>Regarding the school uniform

>About Ai
She's Ai Kashiwagi. She was one of the Mark-bearers who pursued spirits with me a while ago.
She's also a member of the idol group "Love & Hero" that's active in the H City area.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What happened to your idol business?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I'm not slacking off. I'm free today."
                  "Last week, I was very busy with the recording of new songs, though."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Sure enough, that new single was very overwhelming...
                   No, energetic and passionate?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Naturally! That's what Love & Hero's rock is all about!"

All the songs Ai's group, "Love & Hero", make are high-spirited songs about the value of love and justice."
Its simple yet powerful message seems to be well-received by some young people.
And Ai is a hot-blooded girl who lives up to the lyrics of her songs.

>Reason for being here
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Love & Hero is, well, H City's local idol group."
                  "So there are a few fans enrolled in this school."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "A few, huh? So you're not that famous."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "We're still growing in popularity.
                   One day, I'll show you how we've spread out our wings all over the ward."
                  "So, well, I asked some teenage fans about rumors of Shibito."
                  "Some of them were really scared, and I got worried too."
                  "After that, I heard about your investigation from Mr. Daimon."

I see. So she came to help like a windfall.
Acting as soon as you make up your mind... that's certainly Ai.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "But this is pretty dangerous. We've already had a casualty."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "That's...I understand."
                  "But, you're still investigating despite knowing the risk, aren't you?"
                  "I can't leave you alone, as your fellow."
[The word used here is the same Izumi used to refer to Shibito's desire, and has appeared before as well, but putting 'companion' here feels awkward]

A fellow, huh...
A charming, showy, and gaudy word fitting an idol group.
Just a little radiant for me, though.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "No matter what you say, I won't go home, okay?"

>Regarding the school uniform
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "You're not from this school, aren't you? How did you get that uniform?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "One of my friends graduated from Konoehara Academy,
                   so I borrowed this from her."
                  "If I'm dressed like a student, I won't attract any attention
                   when I start asking questions, right?"
                  "Besides, the uniforms here are so cute,
                   I've always wanted to try them on, you know~"
                  "See, doesn't it suit me?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "You're right."
                  "No matter how you look at it, you seem like a student of Konoehara Academy.
                   You wouldn't stand out even on campus."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Uh, that's not what I was asking."

After hearing a brief overview of her circumstances, I began to explain the case to Ai.
Ai has experienced the horror brought about by spirits before. She also knows the dangers of becoming involved with them.
Moreover, she says she's going to go after this spirit... There's no way I can stop her.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I understand the situation."
                  "So, Mr. Yashiki, how are you going to proceed with the investigation?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Let's see..."
                  "This investigation's targets are Shibito and Hanako of the toilet.
                   However, we should concentrate on Hanako for now."
                  "Now that a letter has been found, our top priority is avoiding any more deaths."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Yes, I agree. Let's put human life first."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Before all, let's investigate the rumors regarding Hanako."
                  "If we can get some information together,
                   we might be able to figure out how to clear up Hanako's grudge."
                  "Once her resentment's gone, the spirit will disappear."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Another thing I'm worried about is the "Model" targeted by Hanako."
                  "Who could that be?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, we have to look into that too."
                  "It seems this school's spirits don't attack people indiscriminately."
                  "There must be a reason for it."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I agree. If we can figure that out,
                   maybe we can figure out the spirit's true identity."
                   "We should ask everyone in the school about Model and Hanako of the toilet."

"Obtained Topic "Hanako of the Toilet"."
"Ai Kashiwagi has joined the investigation."
"Information on "Ai Kashiwagi" has been added to the Character Files."

[Her stat's are about the same as I remember, but now she has +02 Power from her 'Blood and Sweat Hair Bands']
Blood and Sweat Hair Bands:
 Explanation - Ai's most prized possession. Mass-produced hair bands that hold Ai's long hair in place. A partner of Ai's, they have closely watched over her efforts, her shedding blood and sweat until she blossomed as a full-fledged idol.
 Effect - Power + 02
 Obtained from - Neighborhood's Variety Shop
 Weight - 6 grams

Ai Kashiwagi:
 A member of "Love & Hero", a local idol group in H City. She has been friends with the protagonist ever since he saved her life in a bizarre incident. She is an energetic and passionate girl with a strong sense of justice. She is so skilled with the piano that she can even sing while playing at live performances. She is petite but strong and can search within narrow places with her thin arms. PS: Additional pages will be added when conditions are met.

[Now, let's search around the specialized building]
>Student Council Room
A girl I recognized stood in the student council room.

Himeko Douryou:
                  "You are... Mr. Yashiki, right?"
                  "What is an outsider doing here?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I'm continuing the investigation into Hanako of the toilet.
                   Especially after an incident like that."
                  "Douryou, I'd like to talk to you too."
Himeko Douryou:
                  "But I don't want to remember last night's events."

That's only natural.
She herself suffered dreadfully and lost a fellow council member.
But still, I have to ask her.

Himeko Douryou:

Douryou's expression is strained.
She seems to be wary of us. Now, what to do...?

"What should I do to persuade Douryou?"
>Bring to her attention the threat of spirits
>Tell her I am a teacher
>Leave it to Ai
>Take our leave for the time being

[She should listen to her superiors, right?]
>Tell her I am a teacher
I told her I had become a teacher at this school to investigate the case.

Himeko Douryou:
                  "I see... So you're no longer an outsider..."
                  "Forgive my rudeness, Professor Yashiki."
                  "Then I'll cooperate. Within the limits of what I can do, though."

Douryou seems to have brought herself to listen.

Himeko Douryou:
                  "Now then, what did you want to ask of me?"

[We're back to the normal talk choices]
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I need to check with you about something."
                  "Last night, why were you in the old building?"
Himeko Douryou:
                  "The Headmaster told me to leave, but I was still worried about Izumi..."
                  "After that, I went looking for him once more
                   on the second floor of the new building."
                  "And then, I heard a man scream from the old building."

That must have been Izumi's scream when his hand was cut off by Hanako of the toilet.

Himeko Douryou:
                  "That's why I went to the old building."
                  "Once I entered... The hall was covered in blood..."
                  "Then...h-hoses came towards me..."
                  "I let out a scream... then I fainted..."

And that leads up to the scene that the principal and I witnessed, her hanging in mid-air.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Sorry for making you remember that."
Himeko Douryou:
                  "No... I'm alright."

>Bring up a topic
[We only have one topic this time]
>Hanako of the toilet

Himeko Douryou:
                  "It seems I was mistaken about "Hanako" of the toilet."
                  "I apologize."

Douryou told me last night that Hanako's true identity was "Hanako (花子)" of the toilet."
However, she was actually "Hanako (華子)" of the toilet.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "As for the identity of this "Hanako"..."
                  "I believe she was a student named Hanako Akai from the concert band."
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Indeed. Since then I've been curious too, so I researched her, but..."
                  "It does seem that Hanako of the toilet is the second-year student Hanako Akai."
                  "Because... she committed suicide."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "If you know anything else about Hanako of the toilet,
                   could you share it with me?"
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Even if you ask me..."
                  "I'm not good with ghost stories and scary rumors, so I didn't look further."
                  "You should try asking Michiho. She likes these types of stories." [Ding]
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Michiho... She was the girl who came to the infirmary last night, right?"
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Yes, that's Michiho Kinukawa, the vice president."
                  "She went to the music room. She's probably still there."
                  "It might be a good idea to ask her about Ms. Akai's story."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I see. Thank you."

"Obtained Topic "Hanako Akai"."

>Hanako Akai
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Ms. Akai was a meek girl."
                  "It might be for that reason that she ended up tormenting herself."
                  "This may be lip service, but..."
                  "Had we known beforehand, we could have done something about it."
>Leave this conversation
After finishing my conversation with Doryo, I left the student council room.

[There's nobody in the other rooms, let's go to the new building]
>New Building

[Some students hanging around still, but let's talk to Michiho first]

There stands a white-haired petite girl.
She was the face I saw in the infirmary last night. I believe her name was Michiho Kunikawa.

Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Ah, the mister from yesterday."
                  "Are you perhaps investigating Shibito? Or even Hanako of the toilet?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "You know an awful lot about my situation.
                   Douryou must have told you, didn't she?"
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Something like that."
                  "You're chasing after Shibito because the Headmaster requested you to, right?"
                  "In other words, you must be my rival, aren't you?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What? Your rival?"
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "I'm very aware of the rumors inside this school."
                  "I'm investigating Shibito and Hanako of the toilet in my own way."
                  "Not to brag, but I know a lot of things."
                  "Like scary rumors and the suicide scandal from 3 months ago and stuff."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Kinukawa, I'd like to enquire something with you.
                   Could you please cooperate with my investigation?" 
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "But, you're my rival, right?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "This is to prevent further victims. Please."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "...Okay, I guess."
                  "I'll tell you something special this time. It's for saving Hime-chan yesterday."
                  "But not next time. It's tough getting info, okay?"
                  "Well, what'd you want to ask about?"

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I'm sure Douryou told you that Hanako of the toilet is a danger."
                  "Why are you going after it? To avenge Izumi's death?"
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Er, it's nothing like that."
                  "I'm sad he's dead, but I never liked Izumi."
                  "Yesterday, Hime-chan asked me to look for him,
                   so I had no choice but to do that."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "In that case, there's even less reason to risk yourself."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "...It's none of your business. Can't you just leave this alone?"

>Bring up a topic

>Hanako Akai
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Three months ago,
                   Ms. Akai committed suicide in the girls' bathroom of the old building."
                  "She hanged herself with a rubber hose."
Old building's female bathroom... Suicide using a rubber hose...
The similarities with Hanako of the toilet are striking. She seems to be the spirit of Hanako Akai after all.

Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Ms. Akai was part of the concert band while alive."
                  "The guys in the concert band might have some interesting stories to tell."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Kinukawa, where could I find them? They don't seem to be here."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "I heard there was a recital coming up, so they should have been here, but..."
                  "I guess the club is already finished for the day."
                  "But right now, there might still be some members of the club left on campus."
                  "If you're curious, why don't you look for them?" 

>Hanako of the toilet
Michiho Kinukawa:
 "Hanako of the toilet is a female ghost that's said to appear in the old building's female bathroom."
 "Everyone knows the rumors about Hanako. Except for rare exceptions like Hime-chan."

"There is such a rumor in Konoehara Academy."

Chapter 2: Hanako of the Toilet

"Recently, hasn't there been a lot of graffiti in the toilets?"
"They are a "ritual" to summon spirits."
"There's a rumor going on that says, 'if you write on the bathrooms, a ghost will appear'."
"So some students started graffitiing for the fun of it."
"Nobody actually believes in the ghost. They're just seeking a thrill."
"I think that was the case with 'that girl' too."
"She decided to scribble on the empty old building's toilet."

"Using a marker, she wrote the first words that came to mind on the wall."
"Ghosts don't exist. There's no way."
"She graffitied while thinking of such things."
[The toilet flushes, followed by a sting]
"Then she heard a flush coming from the next stall, which was supposed to be empty."
"Nobody's meant to be here... Then why?"
"She became afraid... She wanted to escape..."
"But... even more than that..."
"She wanted to know what was inside the neighboring stall..."
"She opened the door... and looked inside..."
[Long pause]
"Inside... was a girl wearing a red suspended skirt hanging from the ceiling by a hose..."

G I V E   I T   B A C K

[Girl cries in fear]
"That girl screamed and ran away..."
"Even after leaving the school...or coming back home... That voice...never left her ears..."

G I V E   I T   B A C K

"And then, that girl..."
"She was gone the day after Shibito's letter was posted."
"Nobody found her corpse. However, everyone says that..."
"She was definitely... killed by Hanako of the toilet."

Michiho Kinukawa:
 "That's Hanako of the toilet's rumor."
 "How was it? Pretty scary, right?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
 "I see..."

In my head, I repeat the rumor I've just heard over and over.
"Give it back", huh...
I wonder, what in the world is Hanako of the toilet searching after?
By some chance... it may be related to her grudge.

[We don't have any more dialogue with her for now, so let's end here. We've reached the proper beginning of the chapter, and we've already got an objective, plus some more people to talk to. The school's not that big, but it's pretty empty for now, thus, I'll concentrate entirely on the important stuff.]

Anyway, see you next time!

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