Friday, February 3, 2023

Death Mark II - Chapter Two - Part 8

Don't forget to check out the first or previous part if you haven't!

In the last part, we had a confrontation with our biggest information source, but thankfully we were able to calm her down enough to gain a good understanding of this case's background. Simply put, Hanako was a piano player, she spent most of her time practicing in the old building with her friend Horikoshi, however, when she was chosen as the school's student representative and piano player for the school anthem, her competitor, Izumi, started bullying her. She eventually caved in and left her position, but this didn't stop him. This lasted until her suicide. The only part we don't know much about is Horikoshi's involvement in her bullying, she originally stopped them, but towards the end of Hanako's life, people say that she cut contact... Whatever the case, night has come, and it's time to investigate and stop Hanako's spirit. Let's begin, shall we?

It will soon be dismissal time. Eventually, the school will be empty.
However, our investigation will have to wait till night.
I should call out to our waiting companion to start preparing for tonight's investigation.

[You're always given a chance to save before moving between sections, thankfully]

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Welcome back, Mr. Yashiki. It's almost sundown, isn't it?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Once it's dark, the spirit will likely appear."
                  "Before it comes to that, I'd like to take a moment to organize the information
                   we've gathered so far in preparation for the nightly investigation."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Surely, that would be for the best."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Well then, firstly..."
[Some knocks on the door are heard]
Girl's Voice:
                  "Mister, are you in here~?"

A girl in a sailor suit entered the infirmary while greeting us.

Moe Watanabe:
                  "Yoo-hoo, I came here to help!"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Good grief... So you came too, Moe."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Fufun, well, I heard the whole story from Ai-chan."
                  "As a future occult writer, I just couldn't overlook this case."

She is Moe Watanabe. A Mark-bearer that goes to a different high school.
An occult fan by nature, she's currently working for an occult magazine's editing department.

Moe Watanabe:
                  "Our editor-in-chief's looking forward to seeing
                   the new work of the "Spirit Doctor"."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Moe, I've said this so many times. Please don't call me that."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Eeh, don't make such a sour face. It was my and the editor-in-chief's idea."
                  "So, anyway, how's the Shibito investigation going?"

I shared the information I had gleaned from the investigation with the three Mark-bearers.

Moe Watanabe:
                  "That Hanako Akai girl's Hanako of the Toilet?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, there's no doubt about it. Hanako suffered intense bullying."
                  "The bullying took place in the old building's toilets."
                  "She was slandered with graffiti, forced to drink milk she hated,
                   and made to look like "Hanako of the toilet"."
                  "And... in the end, she committed suicide. I'm sure she held a grudge."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It seems that Akai-kun was bullied by Izumi and the concert band."
                  "It all started when he was eliminated from the piano player screening process,
                   thus losing the privilege of playing the school anthem."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "He went to that extent because of that... he sounds like the worst!"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "But that Izumi guy... He was killed last night by Hanako, right?"
                  "That was for revenge against the bullying, yeah?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Probably. Hanako's previous target, "Ribbon",
                   was also involved in her bullying."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "That much makes sense to me. But..."
                  "Why would Hanako target "Model"... I mean, Ms. Horikoshi?"
                  "Those two were best friends, weren't they?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Some say Horikoshi knew about the bullying but didn't stop it."
                  "Maybe something's up with that."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "...Hold on, mister."
                  "Isn't it part of the rumors that Hanako says "give it back"?"
                  "I wonder what Hanako wants to have returned to her."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That... we don't know yet."

This evening's investigation revealed the outlines of the case. But a mystery still remains unsolved.
If we can't solve the mystery tonight and free Hanako of her grudge...
As the warning letter said, Horikoshi will die.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "...Understood. Thank you very much."
[Phone ding]

After Daimon ended the conversation over the phone, he turned it off.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "This is bad, Yashiki-kun."
                  "I had Horikoshi's homeroom teacher check to see if she returned home..."
                  "Apparently, however, she still isn't back."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What the..."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "B-but... where did Ms. Horikoshi go?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It couldn't be..."
                  "Did she enter the old building?"
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Um, why the old building? Do you know, mister?"

If Horikoshi went to the old building, the reason would be...
>To erase the graffiti
>To play the piano
>To meet with Hanako

>To meet with Hanako
I remembered what Horikoshi said in the music preparation room.

"I have something I really need to tell her."
"For that... I'd be willing to be killed by Hanako."

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Ah, that's right."
                  "If you were to believe the letter,
                   tonight is Horikoshi's best chance to meet Hanako."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What the hell..."

"Hanako of the toilet is targeting Model" was a warning made with Horikoshi's safety in mind.
But to see it backfire...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "We don't have a moment to waste... We should hurry."
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Wait, mister!"
                  "Although I also wanted to go investigate the case with you..."
                  "My editor-in-chief warned me that 'It's too dangerous, restrain yourself!'"
                  "So this time, I'm going to support you in a different way instead."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "A different way?"
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Ms. Yasuoka entrusted me with spiritual tools."
                  "If you'd like, you can use them to help in the investigation."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Spiritual tools? What are those?"
Moe Watanabe:
                  "They are goods filled with spiritual power, it's common knowledge, you know."
                  "Just having one makes you lucky and protects you from all kinds of misfortune."
                  "But, to use a spiritual tool, you need something where spiritual power dwells."
                  "According to Ms. Yasuoka, those things are called "Remains"."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Remains, huh? Where can those be found?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Erm, I heard they appear in cursed or spiritually unstable places."

"Spiritually unstable places", eh...?
Maybe we can find some in and around this school cursed by Shibito.

Moe Watanabe:
                  "If you find any Remains, bring them here."
                  "I'll give you the necessary spiritual tools."
                  "Also, I heard that Remains have the power to raise one's spiritual status."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Spiritual status...?"
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Yeah, I learned from Ms. Yasuoka that every person has a spiritual status."
                  "And, when you come in contact with Remains, your spiritual status grows."
                  "Ms. Yasuoka said you probably have that kind of constitution."
                  "Well, I'll say it again because it's that important."
                  "In short, if you collect Remains,
                   you can improve your spiritual status and get spiritual tools."
                  "No matter what happens in the investigation, no matter what spirit appears,
                   I think the most important thing is to be prepared."
                  "So explore as many places as you can and look for Remains."
[This conversation introduces three game mechanics. The first is the Trade menu, we can buy spiritual tools, or equipment, there. They give buffs that make Suspensive Acts easier, like decreasing all damage taken by a certain amount of points. The second is Remains, they are this game's Talisman equivalent, hidden all over the place, but they now work as a currency. The last is leveling up. You gain EXP by collecting Remains, and once they hit the level threshold, all characters gain 3 Max Spirit and are completely healed. Because they're all optional and kind of bloat these posts, I'll mainly avoid showing me getting Remains, but will still show the weirdest of them and the spiritual tools we can get]

"Information on "Moe Watanabe" has been added to the Character Files."

Moe Watanabe:
 A cooperative high school girl who loves the occult. Her life was saved by the protagonist in a certain bizarre incident, and they have been friends ever since. She works part-time as a reporter for "OOPArts Monthly," a popular magazine in the field of the occult. Although she's not a student at the Academy, she is on standby in the infirmary for this case and provides various spiritual tools that are useful for psychic investigations. PS: Additional pages will be added when conditions are met.

Moe Watanabe:
                  "What do you need?"

>Trade for Spiritual Tools
>Verify Remains

>Verify Remains
Moe Watanabe:
                  "Remain verification, hm?"

"Number of Remains in possession: 00 in hand
Number obtainable in this chapter: 08 to go"

>Trade for Spiritual Tools

>Protective Celestial Wolf's Spirit Charm - 2 Remains
[I used 'celestial wolf' here, but it could also be referring to the star 'Sirius']
>Daruma Gourd - 2 Remains
[Darumas are those round red dolls depicting a bearded man. Typically, their eyes aren't drawn until the owner chooses a goal or wish, at which point they paint one of them. The other eye is drawn after this goal of wish is fulfilled]
>Inviting Hare's Lucky Money Pouch - 2 Remains
>Bag Reinforcement - 2 Remains

[I'll show everything about these items right now, so consider me having all of them already]

>Protective Celestial Wolf's Spirit Charm
"Spiritual Tool: Protective Celestial Wolf's Spirit Charm
Effect: Damage dealt in Suspensive Acts and Events -1"

Protective Celestial Wolf's Spirit Charm:
 Explanation - A fabled amulet from the "Celestial Wolf Shrine", considered holy ground by mountain ascetics, also known as the Spirit Charm. It guards one against calamity with the protection of the Celestial Wolf. This spiritual tool's effect sustains itself on the spiritual power of the Remains in Yashiki's pocket.
 Effect - Damage dealt in Suspensive Acts and Events -1
 Obtained from - Infirmary
 Weight - 9 grams

>Daruma Gourd
"Spiritual Tool: Daruma Gourd
Effect: Action Cost in Suspensive Acts -1"

Daruma Gourd:
 Explanation - A gourd with two daruma images painted on the top and bottom roundels. There are many anecdotes of warlords carrying this gourd to battle and achieving victory. Its effect is invoked by inserting Remains through the gourd's mouth.
 Effect - Action Cost in Suspensive Acts -1
 Obtained from - Infirmary
 Weight - 28 grams

>Inviting Hare's Lucky Money Pouch
"Spiritual Tool: Inviting Hare's Lucky Money Pouch
Effect: Action Execution Rate of Suspensive Acts +10%"

Inviting Hare's Lucky Drawstring Pouch:
 Explanation - A drawstring pouch handed down in the "Black Hare Shrine", said to have existed in H City long in the past. It is believed that lucky rabbits can kick away adversity and lead people toward universal success. Stuffing this pouch with Remains, thus giving it spiritual power, grants the owner divine favor.
 Effect - Action Execution Rate of Suspensive Acts +10%
 Obtained from - Infirmary
 Weight - 16 grams

>Bag Reinforcement
It seems we can spiritually reinforce my bag.
Although, I'm not sure how useful that would be...

"Remains can be used to attach spiritual effects to the bag."
"However, the effect's benefits aren't particularly high. You should first prioritize the acquisition of Spiritual Tools."

"Spiritual Tool: Favorite Bag +1
Effect: Yashiki's Action Execution Rate in Suspensive Acts +2%"

[Unlike the other items, This option just increases an existing item's effect. I'll put here how the menu screen looks after finding every Remain (But before buying the Bag Reinforcement, oops) in this chapter]

[Anyway, let's continue]

Moe Watanabe:
                  "Do your best!"

[Also, we now have a new option]
>New Building

>New Building

[This is pretty nice to have, it cuts a ton of walking]

[Not much happens at the start of the corridor, but once we pass the middle line...]

Kazuo Yashiki:
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun, is there a problem?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "So you can't hear it, Daimon..."
                  "The sound of this bell..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "No, I'm not hearing-"
                  "What is... that..."

Daimon's gaze was fixed on...
That thing... standing there...
Slender body... Disproportionally large head...
A massive number of eyes and mouths... and a grass-cutting sickle...
It's Shibito...

M y   d e a r   g r o o m   ,   w i t h   w h o m   I   e x c h a n g e d   v o w s   w i t h
I   w a t c h e d   t h i s   A c a d e m y   c o n t i n u o u s l y   ,   h i d d e n   w i t h i n

A fractured voice reverberates inside my head...
No words can describe this sickening feeling, it's as if my skull has been stuffed with a lump of filth...
I feel like I'm about to throw up... consciousness is hazy...

I   s h a l l   b e   w a t c h i n g   t o n i g h t   a s   w e l l
A s   t h e   f i g u r e   o f   m y   g r o o m   f a c e s   h i s   f e a r
a n d   s t a n d s   a g a i n s t   H a n a k o

Shibito's... gone...

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Daimon... are you okay?"
Shuuji Daimon:

I hear no reply from Daimon.
With a lifeless face, he just stares dumbfounded at the area where Shibito used to be.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Daimon! Get a hold of yourself!"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun... cough..."

Light has returned to Daimon's eyes.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "T-that now... couldn't be..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, that was Shibito."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "That thing was Shibito..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Could you hear... its voice?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Its voice? No... I couldn't hear anything."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Is that so..."
                  "But, I could hear it clearly. Shibito spoke to me."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "What did that thing say?"

I communicated Shibito's words to Daimon.

My dear groom, with whom I exchanged vows with
I watched this Academy continuously, hidden within
I shall be watching tonight as well
As the figure of my groom faces his fear and stands against Hanako

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Groom, huh..."
                  "Could it be it was referring to you, Yashiki-kun?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, so it seems."
                  "Shibito's obsessed with me, but the reason why is still unclear."
                  "And, that thing said, tonight..."
                  "It wants me to stand against Hanako."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "W-why... cough-cough!"

Daimon coughs violently, perhaps out of agitation.
A being that deviates from the reason of the living... We have witnessed a spirit. It's only natural to be agitated.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It seems that in the old building ahead of us...
                   both Shibito and Hanako of the toilet are inside..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, there's no doubt about it."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Also, Yashiki-kun..."
                  "I'm embarrassed to say this... but I can't stop my legs from shaking..."
                  "How are you... feeling?"

>I'm afraid
>I'm not scared
>I want to run away

[I-I'm n-not s-scare-ed-d]
>I'm not scared
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "As expected... I'm impressed."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "We should go before long, Daimon."

Daimon nodded slightly at my words.

>Old Building Entrance
I grab hold of the old building's entry door...
Same as last night, the door isn't locked.
A door that was supposed to be locked has been open for two nights in a row...
This isn't a coincidence. Somebody's "opening" it.
Who would do such a thing? It's obvious...
Shibito does this to invite victims into the old building.

Kazuo Yashiki:

The threat that awaits us makes our legs shiver... but we must not cower...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "So this is the infamous old building..."
                  "What a musty place... cough-cough."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Be careful, Daimon. A spirit already resides in this place."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Ah, I'm well aware of that."
                  "Yashiki-kun, where will we investigate?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Let's see..."
                  "If anything, it must be a place with a strong connection to the spirit."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "They say Akai-kun was bullied in the women's restroom here."
                  "If that's the case, then..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, we should begin with the girls' bathroom."
                  "If we follow after Hanako,
                   maybe we'll find Horikoshi since she's trying to meet with her."

In the mirror, the word Akai has been written by me.
[It's still there!]

From inside, a sound like something rubbing against the door is heard...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun... You can hear that, right?"
                  "Cough... What do you want to do?"

>Leave closed

[Let's go in]

A broken mop lies on the floor.
I'm pretty sure I didn't see anything like this last night...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "This mop stinks like milk."
                  "After wiping off milk,
                   someone must have left it here without water-washing it."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Milk... Horikoshi said something about it."
                  "When Izumi bullied Hanako Akai,
                   he made her drink milk, something she hated."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Perhaps this has a connection to him then."
                  "For example, maybe this mop was used to clean up Akai-kun's vomit?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Maybe so, but..."

Then why is this mop here?
Last night, Izumi was murdered in this bathroom...
Is his wandering spirit telling me to take revenge with this mop?

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "(There's no way...)"

I chuckle at my own imagination.
But this mop is certainly an accursed object for Hanako.
Hence it may be useful.
It's an abhorrent notion, but... it's for the sake of survival. This is unavoidable.

"Obtained "Broken Mop"."
Broken Mop:
 Explanation - A mop with a handle that has been snapped in half. A bad smell wafts from the head as if it was used to wipe off milk before being left alone. Since it didn't fit in my bag, I have to carry it by hand.
 Details - No information.
 Obtained from - Old Building First Floor - Girls' Bathroom
 Weight - 509 grams

...What is this?
A torn notebook page had fallen by the mop.

Nao checked it out for me. She said the piano in the old building's music room could still be used. From tomorrow on, the music room will be where we meet up.
Nao found a boom box somewhere. I listened to the school anthem again. The music is good, but the lyrics are lacking. I promised Nao that I would write a school anthem just for us. I would play the tune and Nao would sing the poem she had written. That was our promise.
Finally, I was chosen as the accompanist for the school song. I'm so happy. I was able to practice a lot in the old building. Thank you, Nao.

"Obtained "Notebook Page 1"."
Notebook Page 1:
 Explanation - A page torn from a notebook. A short diary-like entry has been written in careful handwriting.
 Details - Information can be confirmed.
 Obtained from - Old Building First Floor - Girls' Bathroom
 Weight - 1.3 grams

Judging from the contents, this must be part of a diary written by Hanako Akai.
Then "Nao" must be Naomi Horikoshi.
It seems they used to sneak into the music room in the old building and enjoy themselves there.

[Nothing more here, let's have a quick check on the classrooms]

Place: Old Building First Floor - 1-B

When I opened the broom closet, I found an old rubber glove left inside.
It's dirty but has no holes or scratches. Seems like it'll work fine.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "If we continue our investigation,
                   we may come in contact with dangerous objects."
                  "It might help then. I'll have to borrow it."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It's fine. The owner probably has forgotten about it already, I'm sure."

"Obtained "Old Rubber Gloves"."
Old Rubber Gloves:
 Explanation - Rubber gloves left in a broom closet. They are dirty from use, but the thick rubber has not been torn and is still usable.
 Details - No information.
 Obtained from - Old Building First Floor - Old 1-B
 Weight - 60 grams

[Nothing happens until the very last classroom on this floor, which is...]

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What is this...?"

In this classroom, for some reason, the desks have been piled up in piles.
Why would someone do such a thing...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "These are obviously unnatural conditions."
                  "Shall we investigate, Yashiki-kun?"

Study desks are stacked almost to the ceiling.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "I don't think this is a student's prank.
                   I don't believe it to be the work of a human being, to begin with."

[Wind blows]
At that moment, a gust of wind blew out from below a desk...
A cold, musty wind... Is something in there?

>Try inserting hand
>Stop here

>Try inserting hand
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "You're not afraid of anything, aren't you? Incredible."

I stick my hand inside the desk's stowage, searching for something...

Kazuo Yashiki:

Something ice-cold touched my fingertips...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun, is something wrong!?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "No, it's no big deal... Just got a little surprised."

I pinch the cold object with my fingers and take it out.

It was a ghastly tooth.
I gradually feel an unknowable evil from the palm of my hand...
Could it be...?
Is this one of those Remains Moe was talking about?
Then I should collect it...

"Obtained Remain "Ghastly Tooth"."
[It's not an item sadly, so no description. Not every Remain has such an interesting way of getting it, but I can say at least that I haven't seen many repetitions too]

Beyond the window, I see something resembling a beast. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be a statue of a fox.
They look like the guardian foxes from the Inari Shrine, but their presence in the courtyard of a school is curious.

Place: Old Building Second Floor - Boys' Bathroom

Some urinals with black mold growing on the rims.
There's something on the top of the urinal, near the flush valve.
These are... moth corpses.
Not one, but two of them were lying dead on top of each other.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Judging from their dryness, they died recently."
                  "The windows and doors are supposed to be closed, so how did they get in?"
Kazuo Yashiki:

This visage of mysterious deaths... Is it alluding to something?
...No, I'm probably just overthinking things.
When you are chasing after a spirit, it's easy to become haunted by ominous thoughts.

Kazuo Yashiki:

Something small is lying between the moth carcasses.
Picking it up, it turned out to be a ghastly tooth.

"Obtained Remain "Ghastly Tooth"."

This is a door to a janitorial closet. The edges of the door have a wisp of mold on them.
Opening the door, I found a plunger inside. I suppose it was used to unclog the drains.
It might become useful in some way. Let's take it with us, just in case.

"Obtained "Plunger"."
 Explanation - A cleaning tool that clears blocked toilets by pressing the bowl-shaped rubber cup against the drain and moving it up and down to generate a stream of water.
 Details - No information
 Obtained from - Old Building Second Floor - Boys' Bathroom
 Weight - 380 grams

[Now, let's go to the girls' bathroom, in particular, the last stall of the girls' bathroom]

A Western-style toilet stained with lime.
Numerous pieces of shredded paper were floating in the water.
It seems that the toilet is clogged due to paper waste.

I pressed the plunger against the toilet bowl.
Then I pulled it up with vigor!
I heard the gurgling sound of water, and a few large bubbles popped up on the water's surface.
Finally, the paper waste flushed away. The clogged toilet appears to have been cleared.
Out of nowhere, a piece of paper appears in the water.
It's as if... the paper scraps that flushed away had been restored by an unknown force.
I put on the rubber gloves I found earlier and carefully retrieve the piece of paper.
The paper was, in fact, a torn notebook page.
The ink's smeared, but is still barely legible.

Nao told me a secret. My mind went blank. And I ran away. What should I do? I don't know.
I still can't put together an answer to Nao. I'm not sure how to write it. I'm not good at writing. It would be easier if I could communicate by playing the piano.
Izumi and the others called me again. But Nao helped me out. Thank you so much. It's been such a long time since I talked to her.

I hate graffiti. I hate milk. But the thing I hate the most is Hanako of the toilet's clothes. They steal my uniform so I have to wear a red skirt. No matter how much I ask them to give it back, they never do. Izumi laughs when he sees me. I wonder what's so funny.
I want to talk to Nao about Izumi. And I want to give an answer to Nao's feelings. In the end, I didn't have the courage to write a letter. But my mind is clear. If I meet Nao face to face, I might be able to tell her. So I told her that I wanted to see her tomorrow after school.
Yesterday, Nao didn't come. Why?

"Obtained "Notebook Page 2"."
Notebook Page 2:
 Explanation - A page torn from a notebook. The ink is smudged but the text is barely legible.
 Details - Information can be confirmed.
 Obtained from - Old Building Second Floor - Girls' Bathroom
 Weight - 1.3 grams

Like the page I picked up on the first floor, this is part of the diary written by Hanako Akai.
Here, too, is an account of an incident regarding "Nao".
Their relationship seems to have changed when Nao confided a secret to her.
But, I wonder how did these pages end up in the old building's bathrooms.
After the suicide, an investigation supposedly took place. There is no way they wouldn't have been taken from here.
That being the case... could an inhuman entity be trying to show me this?

[After this, we leave the toilets]

[This image flashes for a few seconds before disappearing]
J-just now, what was that...?
I heard the sound of water bursting through... then I heard a voice, and an image popped into my head...
That was... Horikoshi's face, frozen in fear...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun... why can we hear water inside this school building...?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I don't know..."
                  "...Wait a minute, Daimon. You only heard the water?"
                  "What about the moans? And Horikoshi's face?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "I don't know what you're talking about. There only was the sound of water..."

Daimon seems confused. I don't think he's lying.
Was that vision only something I could see?

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "That sound came from further down the hall."
                  "Yashiki-kun, shall we go?"
Kazuo Yashiki:

I have a bad feeling about this...
The truth behind that water noise... we should find it out immediately.

[Something changed in 2-B]
There is a large puddle on the wooden floor. How can something like this be here...?
Something has fallen in the puddle.
This is... a student handbook?"
The dark red vinyl cover has the Konoehara Academy emblem printed on it.
Underneath the emblem, "2-B Naomi Horikoshi" has been written.

"Obtained "Horikoshi's Student Handbook"."
Horikoshi's Student Handbook:
 Explanation - Naomi Horikoshi's student notebook. There are some scribbles in the space for writing notes. "The key to Hana and Nao's secret is {Hanao}."
 Details - No information
 Obtained from - Old Building Second Floor - Old 2-B
 Weight - 87 grams

[Heartbeat, then 3 damage]

Kazuo Yashiki:

[Great waves can be heard, but a moaning cry overwhelms them]


A scene came to my mind...
It was a massive amount of filthy water filling this classroom...

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "(What is... this water...)" [She continuously gasps as she talks]
                  "(It wasn't here seconds ago...)"

Naomi Horikoshi, flailing her arms and legs, writhed in agony...
And the shadow behind her was...

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "(Hana...? Are you Hana...?)"
                  "(I finally met you...)"
                  "(I'm sorry... for that time...)"


Naomi Horikoshi:

Naomi Horikoshi:

Sewage is getting into her mouth and nose... she can no longer breathe...
Despite the situation... Horikoshi smiled.
It was an ecstatic smile that didn't match her impending death...

Naomi Horikoshi:
                   "(Hana... me too...)"


...I can't...forgive...traitors...

The hoses and dirty water floated in the air, ignoring gravity...
Just like when they cut off Izumi's hand...
[Swish, then the screen becomes red]

What was that image just now...
A vision so clear it's as if a projector had been shoved into my head...
Is this the reality of what happened here? Was Horikoshi attacked by Hanako of the toilet?
I look around for answers... but all that's left is a puddle on the floor.
Neither Hanako of the toilet nor Horikoshi are here...

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun, what's wrong?"

There is no sign of change in Daimon. He's completely composed.
It appears that only I 'witnessed' that vision.
In that case...
This must be a spiritual phenomenon brought about by the presence of spirits.
But, why am I the only person who can see these visions?
Perhaps it has something to do with what Yasuoka told me earlier.

It's said that, for generations, the Kujou family has had the power to see the unseen.
Because of this, members of the Kujou family tended to be easily attracted to the macabre and died untimely deaths.
The blood of the Kujou runs through me as well.
Even if I abandon my former name, "Masamune Kujou", I cannot escape the fate of my bloodline.
That's probably why I 'saw' that vision.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "You look like you're thinking pretty hard, are you sure you're fine?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah... it's nothing."

...I'd better not talk about what I saw.
That was something the living shouldn't see. The knowledge of the forbidden can break a person's mind.
I may be able to shoulder the thoughts of the dead, but that's not something my companions should bear.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Daimon, let's continue the investigation..."

[But before that, let's stop here. We've learned a lot more about Horikoshi's and Hanako's relationship that may completely flip things on their heads. Not only that, but the premonition given by the moth corpses probably has become true. What did she do to betray Hanako? What about the hint given by her notebook? All that will be learned in time.]

See you next time!

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