Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Death Mark II - Chapter Two - Part 6

  Don't forget to check out the first or previous part if you haven't!

In the last part, we received Shibito's next letter, warning that a 'Model' will be killed by Hanako, who murdered Izumi in the previous chapter. In order to stop another victim from being made, we began to gather information, including of her rumor, which states that anyone who scribbles graffiti in the old building's bathrooms would encounter her hanging corpse, and be haunted by her voice until their deaths. Now, we'll search for her clubmates from when she lived and learn the backstory of this haunting. Let's begin, shall we?

[We'll be going through every student since I didn't show them last part]
Place: New Building First Floor - Hall

Girl Waiting for Someone A:
                  "That girl's class, this is the place."
                  "I told her to wait for me in front of her classroom after school."
                  "This school has been a disaster lately, I can't wait to get home..."

Place: New Building First Floor - 2-B

Girl Finished with Club Activities A:
                  "Ah, it's done, I'm so tired--"
                  "About today's club work, isn't our band taking too much time in the end?"
Girl Finished with Club Activities B:
                  "It can't be helped when the recital's so close. But we must hang on!"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "You girls are from the concert band, yes?"
                  "I'm a newly-hired teacher, and the headmaster asked me
                   to look into what happened to Hanako Akai."
                  "Can I ask you some questions?"
Girl Finished with Club Activities A:
                  "Why ask about Akai-senpai now..."
Girl Finished with Club Activities B:
                  "Ah, are you investigating her suicide again?"

Even if they misunderstood me, that's alright. I doubt telling the truth would help me.

Girl Finished with Club Activities B:
                  "Akai-senpai was a quiet person. But she was kind and gentle."
                  "And she really liked playing the piano too."
                  "But in this school,
                   the student's representative always plays the piano for the school's anthem..."
                  "Senpai got that part, though. She seemed happy to be in charge of that."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "But, they substituted her for Toshihiko Izumi, right?"

Something like that was written on the poster we found in the music room last night.

Girl Finished with Club Activities A:
                  "Oh yeah,
                   the change in players happened a little before Akai-senpai passed away."
                  "Eh? If I think she committed suicide out of shock? No, I don't think that was it."

[The conversation ended here, but there's someone else in this room]

Delinquent Girl:
                  "What're you, a teach?"
                  "Don't you talk to me, got it?"

Place: New Building First Floor - Hall

Boy Thinking About Something:
                  "The first warning letter was on this board, I believe."
                  "By the time police arrived, the letter was gone."
                  "If so, someone must have taken the letter."

The male student continued mumbling to himself...

[Time to go up, however, the other floors' blueprints are basically the same as the first, except for an extra classroom replacing the entrance]

Place: New Building Second Floor - Hall

Girl Waiting for Someone B:
                  "Oh, this is my senior's class, you see."
                  "I came here so we could leave at Mach speed,
                   but she wasn't in, guess she's on the toilet."
                  "But, they say that Hanako's in there. So I don't wanna go there, you know..."
                  "Ugh, imagining stuff like Hanako makes me really scared."
                  "No way do I wanna meet a ghost, it's too scary. I wanna go home already..."

Place: New Building Second Floor - 2-B

Girl with Darkened Eyes:

I tried to talk to her, but she ignored me...

Place: New Building Third Floor - Hall

Strong Boy:
                  "I need to be done patrolling the school by dismissal time."
                  "Still, I've been getting chills after school since the Shibito fiasco."
                  "I always feel like someone's watching me..."
                  "Well, it's not easy being a disciplinary committee member."

Place: New Building Third Floor - 3-A

Strange Boy:
                  "This Academy is, at this very moment, spiritually unstable."
                  "It's being gnawed at, and sinking into Shibito's curse..."
                  "But even so, the sunlit windows of this classroom are extraordinary."
                  "That is how I spend the time until the bell chimes, indulging myself in reading."
                  "Fufu, well, you don't need to worry about me any longer..."

Place: New Building Third Floor - 3-C

Boy Finished with Club Activities A:
                  "It's been a while since I've dropped by the club,
                   but the band didn't seem to be in the best of moods."
Boy Finished with Club Activities B:
                  "I guess so.
                   At this rate, it looks like we won't be winning any competitions again this year."
Boy Finished with Club Activities A:
                  "I still think it's because of what happened."
Boy Finished with Club Activities B:
                  "Yeah, Akai's case..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Are you guys part of the concert band club?"
Boy Finished with Club Activities A:
                  "Ah, yes, I was part of the club during summer, but I retired from it already."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I'm a newly-hired teacher,
                   and the headmaster asked me to look into what happened to Hanako Akai."
                  "Can I ask you some questions?"
Boy Finished with Club Activities B:
                  "Wow, another investigation? I seriously hope you're joking."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "You've been questioned before?"
Boy Finished with Club Activities B:
                  "Yeah, well, it was when the case happened in summer..."
                  "So, was bullying the cause after all?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Bullying, you say... Why do you think so?"
Boy Finished with Club Activities A:
                  "There's no need to play dumb, Teacher."
                  "Ms. Akai was bullied, wasn't she? You must've heard the rumors."
Kazuo Yashiki:

The disparaging graffiti I witnessed in the restrooms last night...
I had a feeling that she was being bullied, and it seems it was right, huh.

"Obtained Topic "Hanako's Bullying"."

...So far, the questioning has been going well.
I've heard some remarkable info from Douryou, Kinukawa, and the members of the concert band club.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Now, where to go next?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Umm, Mr. Yashiki?"
                  "This is just a random thought,
                   but why don't we go downstairs to the shoe lockers?
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "The shoe lockers? Why there?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                   "Because it's almost time for the students to leave school."
                  "I'm sure there are a lot of students thinking, "Let's go home alreadyyy-"."
                  "That's why I think people will be there. What do you think?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I see."
                  "Then, let's go to the shoe lockers."
Ai Kashiwagi:

This is the new building's front entrance. The school gates stand further ahead.
On both sides are rows of shoe lockers for students.
[Sting, some mumbled female voices can be heard]

Between the shoe lockers, two students talk in secret.


Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Mr. Yashiki..."
                  "Did you hear that "Hanako" just now? They may be talking about Mr. Akai."
                  "Should we try talking to them?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Wait a second, Ai."
                  "If they notice us, they'll probably stop talking.
                   We need to move cautiously here."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I-I understand..."
                  "Then, are we going to eavesdrop on them?"

Sure enough, they were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice us.
If we conduct ourselves skillfully, we should be able to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Should we stealthily listen to the students' secret talk?"
>Stop and Leave



To listen to their conversation, we need to come even closer to the students...

"How can we listen to their talk, without alarming them...?"
>Cooperate with Ai

>The female students

>Address them without hesitation - Execution Rate 082% - Cost: 02
>Naturally approach them - Execution Rate 092% - Cost: 02
>Mouth-read their conversation - Execution Rate 060% - Cost: 03

>The female students
>Naturally approach them

[Yashiki always creeps the girls out, lol]
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Understood. I'll casually approach those girls."
Kazuo Yashiki:

Ai seems to have successfully approached the girls.
We are still in the after-school dismissal period. It should be difficult for her to alert them...
It seems this choice was correct.

Ai is listening in on the girls' conversation.

"How can Ai naturally stop near the shoe lockers?"

>Shoe lockers

>Search the shoe lockers - Execution Rate 084% - Cost: 02
>Pretend to wait for a friend - Execution Rate 084% - Cost: 02
>Start whistling - Execution Rate 074% - Cost: 02

>Pretend to wait for a friend
I somehow manage to gesture instructions, and Ai nods in agreement...

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Moe-chan, you are late again today, huh.
                   I guess I'll have to wait here for a while..."

The girls show no signs of alarm at all at the sight of Ai.
This should allow her to hear the conversation successfully.
It seems this choice was correct.

...Eventually, the two students finished their talk and left the shoe lockers.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Mr. Yashiki, mission accomplished! I heard everything perfectly!"

Ai was quick to report what she heard.
The two students were talking about a girl who was a close friend of Hanako Akai's...
Naomi Horikoshi.

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "But Ms. Horikoshi seems to be very popular."
                  "She has excellent grades and is very athletic.
                   It seems she also used to have a bright personality."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Used to? It's different now?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Yes. Ever since Ms. Akai committed suicide, she seems to be in bad shape."
                  "Those two were worried about Ms. Horikoshi,
                   but when they approached her, she got mad at them."
                  "That's what they were talking about a while ago."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Her best friend died. It's not unreasonable for that to happen."
                  "Ai, was there any more information?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Um, that's right..."
                  "Ms. Horikoshi appears to be working as an amateur model
                   for a magazine behind the school's back."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "A model... No way."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Mr. Yashiki?"

Ai has a questioning look on her face. Apparently, she forgot.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Look at this."

I pull out Shibito's warning letter from my bag.

                                   To Model
Hanako will kill you tonight
I will be watching, hidden in the Academy
With deepest love, Shibito            
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Ah! I see!"
                  "Then, she's being targeted by Hanako..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, most likely."
                  "It seems we need to meet with Naomi Horikoshi."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Yes, I agree."
                  "They said that her class is 2-B. Let's go at once!"

"Obtained Topic "Naomi Horikoshi"."

[She didn't have a face shot before, by the way]

Girl with Darkened Eyes:
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Do you know a girl named Naomi Horikoshi?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Huh? Well, I am her."
                  "Old man, who are you?"

I briefly introduced myself to Horikoshi.

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Really, you're a teacher?"
                  "So what do you want from me? I'd like to get this over with."

I heard the irritation in Horikoshi's voice. She seems to dislike making conversation.

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "I don't want to waste time with idle conversation.
                   Just get on with your business."

>Bring up a topic
>Naomi Horikoshi
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "I don't particularly care about talking about myself, got that?"

>Hanako of the toilet
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Hah, it's just a boring rumor."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "So you've heard of Shibito's warning letters, right?"
                  "Today, a new letter was posted. Hanako's next target is "Model"."
Naomi Horikoshi:
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "And I've heard you're an amateur model."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...What about it?"
                  "You want me to be careful not to be killed by Hanako's ghost?"
                  "A grown man believing something like that... how stupid."

>Hanako Akai
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "You're asking me about Hanako...?"
                  "At best, you have no delicacy."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I understand. But, it's for the sake of the case I'm after. Please."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "I don't know anything about that."
                  "It's hard for me to think about Hanako...
                   If you're a teacher, you should understand the feelings of your students."
Kazuo Yashiki:

>Hanako's Bullying
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Well, I've never heard of that, you know."
[I leave]

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...This is enough."
                  "Excuse me, but I have things to do."

"Horikoshi is about to leave..."
>Stop her
>Let her go

>Stop her
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Wait, please! You're in danger!"
Naomi Horikoshi:
Kazuo Yashiki:

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Seriously! I told you enough!"
                  "Who does a newbie teacher like you think you are!?
                   And what's with that goatee!? It's seriously gross!"
                  "Move out of my way! MOVE!"

Horikoshi ended up leaving the classroom.

"Information on "Naomi Horikoshi" was added to the Character Files."

Naomi Horikoshi:
 A model who is very popular in her class. She is a sophomore at Konoehara Academy, having excellent grades and athleticism. She is also beautiful in appearance, to the point of working as an amateur model, which she hides from the school. She was best friends with the deceased Hanako Akai. She used to be cheerful and good-natured, but all that changed with Hanako Akai's suicide. Afterward, she gradually began to deteriorate, and now she has become a completely different person. PS: Additional pages will be added when conditions are met.

[With nothing more to do, I leave the classroom]

[School's announcement system dings]
"...Professor Yashiki...Professor Yashiki..."
"Doctor Daimon is waiting for you in the infirmary. Please come to the infirmary."

Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Ah, it looks like Mr. Daimon has returned."
                  "I'm worried about Ms. Horikoshi, but why don't we go back to the infirmary?"

When I returned to the infirmary, a skinny man in a white coat was waiting for me.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Welcome back, Yashiki-kun."
                  "Mr. Konoe told me what happened. I heard you were made a substitute teacher."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "So you're back, Daimon."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yeah, a little while back."
                  "Thank you for your hard work, Kashiwagi-kun.
                   Might I add that Konoehara's uniform suits you well?"
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Hehe, thank you very much!"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Now then, Yashiki-kun.
                   Shall we share the information we've obtained with each other?"

"Let's hear from Shuuji Daimon."
>About Daimon
>Shibito's investigation request
>What he told Ai

>About Daimon
His name is Shuuji Daimon.
He's a doctor who runs a clinic in H city, and also works as a school physician at Konoehara Academy.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Daimon, how's your health?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It was better for a while. Lately, it's gotten worse again."
                  "Some nights I can't sleep because of my coughing."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Hey, shouldn't you go for a check-up?"
                  "I've been thinking about that too..."
                  "But our clinic is understaffed. I can't take a day off."
                  "I have no choice but to not practice what I preach... cough-cough"
[Fun fact: in the original text, he used a saying that literally meant "a doctor neglecting his health" and spoke that he had to become the real-life version of the saying]

>Shibito's investigation request
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yashiki-kun, I'm sorry I had to ask you to do this investigation out of the blue."
                  "When I told Mr. Konoe about the "Spirit Doctor",
                   he urged me to introduce you to him."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Please don't call me that, Daimon. That magazine just made that up on its own."

Spirit Doctor...
It's a nickname that the editor-in-chief of a certain occult magazine gave me without asking.
According to that "OOPArts" magazine, the "Spirit Doctor" Kazuo Yashiki is an expert in investigating the macabre.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I'm not that great of a man.
                   Yesterday, I ended up letting another person become a victim..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "I understand your regret. But don't depreciate yourself."
                  "Your abilities are real. It's why I introduced you to Mr. Konoe."

>What you told Ai
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Daimon, why did you tell Ai about the investigation?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Oh, sorry. That was my blunder."
                  "When Kashiwagi-kun asked me about Shibito, I accidentally let it slip."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "I'm not the only one who knows about Mr. Yashiki's investigation."
                  "Shou-kun and Moe-chan know about it too."
                  "They said they wanted to help you too."

Shou and Moe were also Mark-bearers I met in that previous case. It seems they entered in contact with each other without me knowing.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Good grief..."

Once I was done asking questions, I shared with Daimon the facts the investigation uncovered thus far.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Naomi Horikoshi-kun is the key to finding out about Hanako's grudge."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Indeed. Hanako and Horikoshi were best friends."
                  "Not to mention,
                   Horikoshi is most likely the "Model" spoken of in the warning letter."
                  "As for her safety, I'd like to protect her."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "In addition, about Akai-kun's suicide..."
                  "It might be a good idea to ask Professor Sakamoto."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What's that teacher's relationship with the incident?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Actually, I heard that after the suicide,
                   the teachers conducted an investigation into the reason behind it."
                  "The person in charge at that time was Professor Sakamoto."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I see. They might know the circumstances that led to her bullying."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Well, I'll join in the investigation too."
                  "That said,
                   the three of us shuffling around together is both conspicuous and hyperbolic."
                  "Mr. Konoe wouldn't like that."
Ai Kashiwagi:
                  "Then, should either Mr. Daimon or I stay at the infirmary?"
                  "Mr. Yashiki should decide which one of us to bring with him."

"Shuuji Daimon joined the investigation."
"Information on "Shuuji Daimon" has been added to the Character Files."

[Before we see his file, let me show the partner change screen]

>Ai Kashiwagi: Idol Overflowing with Energy
>Shuuji Daimon: Doctor Afflicted with Illness

[I've switched partners so we can see his stats]

[He has very high dexterity and intelligence, both to be expected of a doctor, however, he has even lower spiritual power than Konoe! He's equipping a "Worn-out Stethoscope", granting him +02 Dexterity.]
Worn-out Stethoscope:
 Explanation - Daimon's most prized possession. It was brand new when he started his own business as a doctor, and he has used it ever since, through no matter of joys and sorrows. Although it has been in use for well over a decade, it is still in good working order.
 Effect - Dexterity +02
 Obtained from - Gifted in celebration of opening his practice
 Weight - 120 grams

Shuuji Daimon:
 A humble doctor who runs a small clinic. His life was saved by the protagonist in a certain bizarre incident, and they have been friends ever since. A friend of Konoe's, he also works as a temporary nurse-teacher at the Academy. He is always coughing, perhaps due to his naturally frail body, or maybe due to his self-neglect. He has the adult etiquette and sagacity expected of someone his age. He is very dextrous with his hands, likely because of his work as a doctor. PS: Additional pages will be added when conditions are met.

[Let's end here. The day portion of this chapter's pretty long, thankfully we're nearing the end, but there's still too much to put in this post alone. I'm happy we've got to see some unrelated students, with some being pretty clearly future companions. Another thing I enjoyed was Horikoshi's diss on Yashiki's goatee, that kind of comedy is mostly unexpected in this series]

Anyway, see you next time!

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