Thursday, January 26, 2023

Death Mark II - Chapter Two - Part 7

 Don't forget to check out the first or previous part if you haven't!

In the last part, we continued our investigation into Hanako, learning about the next victim's identity and the fact that she's not very friendly. Along the way, Daimon, our doctor friend, returned to his post at the infirmary. Now, let's continue this preparatory investigation, hopefully to its conclusion. Also, sorry for the delay, had very early appointments today. But, let's begin, shall we?

[After the talk with Daimon, and switching him to be our partner, we go to the student council room before the faculty office, just to check]

Inside the council room, I found Kinukawa stretching. It seems she's not busy with anything.

Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Ah, the mister with glasses... I mean, Professor Yashiki."
                  "I heard it from Hime-chan. Apparently, you became a teacher."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Kinukawa, I wanted to talk to you again, but..."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "It's useless, entirely useless."
                  "I can't give any more free information to my rumor-investigating rival."
                  "If you show me some "sincerity", I may reconsider."

Kinukawa looked at me with eyes filled with expectation.
She wants "me" to demonstrate sincerity. Daimon can't help me this time.
Now, what should I do...?

"What kind of "sincerity" should I show to Kinukawa?"
>Compliment her appearance
>Give her some money
>Get down on my knees
>Walk away for the time being

[Don't worry, this one divides into more options]
>Compliment her appearance

>Facial features
>Hair color

[Let's avoid getting any sexual harassment charges and go to her most defining feature]
>Hair color
As the old expression goes, a woman's hair is her life. I should admire the distinctive color of her hair.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's... a beautiful hair color. I think it looks great on you."

Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Eh! R-really!?"

Kinukawa is somewhat surprised at the mention of her hair.

Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "I see, I see... So that's how it looks to you."

Then she smiles with satisfaction. She seems quite pleased.
Assuming she's proud of her hair color, is it any wonder she's happy to be complimented on it?
But I think she's a little too overjoyed...

Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Fufu, thank you very much. Your "sincerity" was conveyed perfectly."

Apparently, it went well. It seems she's ready to talk to me.

Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Now then, Teacher, what do you want to ask of me this time?"

Michiho Kinukawa:

Kinukawa stares intently into my face.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Um, this is making me uncomfortable..."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Tall and slender build. Intelligent and cool looking..."
                  "Teacher looks just like a gin'yanma!"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "A gin'yanma is a species of dragonfly, right?
                   Was that meant to be a compliment?"
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Yeah, that was a compliment of the highest order."
                  "I really like insects, you know."

Come to think of it, Kinukawa's ornaments all resemble insects.
For a girl, that's an unusual hobby.

>Bring up a topic

[She just repeats the same dialogue for the already-seen topics, so let's just choose the new ones]

>Hanako's bullying
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "It seems that Ms. Akai was bullied awfully badly."
                  "The graffiti from Hanako's rumor was also based on Ms. Akai's bullying."
                  "The bullies had scribbled horrible things about
                   Ms. Akai on the toilets of the old building."
>Naomi Horikoshi
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Ms. Horikoshi was very popular."
                  "That's why her best friend, Ms. Akai, was under so much criticism."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What do you mean by that?"
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "I hate to say it, but Ms. Akai was a plain girl."
                  "For Ms. Horikoshi's fans..."
                  "I think they believed she "wasn't worthy of her"."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "But they still got along, didn't they?"
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "So it seemed."
                  "The very competitive Ms. Horikoshi was always defending Ms. Akai."
                  "But, well, it seems it didn't get the results she wanted."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "The results...
                   are you talking about something that happened before her suicide?"
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "That's right.
                   I heard a rumor that the two of them weren't on good terms back then."
                  "It seems Ms. Horikoshi was avoiding Ms. Akai or something like that."

[That's everything, time for the obligatory leaving dialogue]
>Leave the conversation
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "By the way, Professor Yashiki."
                  "I'm just curious about something."
                  "The girl who was with you earlier looked a lot like
                   Ai Kashiwagi from Love & Hero, didn't she?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "You're right. Because that was Ai Kashiwagi."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Uwah, that was seriously her? I've never seen a celebrity in person before."
                  "What's the relationship between you and Ai-chan, Professor Yashiki?"

>Investigative assistant
>Dependable friend
>What does it look like?

[Let's hope no career-ruining rumors come out of this]
>What does it look like?
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "From appearance alone, you look like father and daughter.
                   A grumpy father and a lively daughter."
                  "If not... then my imagination takes a turn for the unseemly."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Please stop imagining such things. She's my investigative assistant."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "I know, right? I had a feeling that was the case."
                  "Buuut, to have a working idol helping in your investigation..."
                  "You are fearless, Professor. Ai-chan's fans will surely hate you."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It's not Yashiki-kun's fault. It was Kashiwagi-kun who wanted to help."
Michiho Kinukawa:
                  "Ooh, how popular."
                  "I wonder if Ai-chan was also affected by Professor's "sincerity"."

Kinukawa looks at me with a smirk on her face.
This has been a strange turn of events. It's time to end this.
I finished talking with Kinukawa and left the student council room.

[Time to actually talk with someone who knew the victim]
>Faculty Office
Upon entering the faculty office, I asked a nearby faculty member to call Sakamoto for me.

Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Greetings. You are Professor Yashiki, correct?
                   I've heard of you from Principal Konoe."
                  "I am Ritsu Sakamoto, the head of faculty. Nice to meet you."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Yeah, nice to meet you as well."
                  "Let me explain the case qui---"
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Before that, I have something important to tell you."
                  "Konoehara Academy is a prestigious high school with a 70-year pedigree."
                  "I'm sure you understand this detail, yes?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Our teachers have a duty to lead the students responsible for that history."
                  "That is why you must understand what it means to be a teacher at our school."

After saying this, Sakamoto began to give me a sermon.
If I were to listen to it in its entirety, it would last until sundown. What should I do...?

"How can I end her sermon?"
>Ask her to stop
>Interject in acknowledgment
>Leave it to Daimon
>Walk away for now

[Since we probably can't stop her by ourselves, let's get Daimon's help (works with Ai too, btw)]
>Leave it to Daimon
We exchange looks and Daimon nods in agreement.

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Professor Sakamoto, you are an excellent instructor.
                   Even Mr. Konoe praises you."
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Oh my, that's quite sudden, isn't it?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It would be a shame to spend your brilliant time
                   on such rudimentary employee training."
                  "Allow me to give Yashiki-kun the training."
                  "So for now, why don't you tell him about the incident?"
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "As the faculty head, I too have little free time. Let's leave it at this."

It seems Sakamoto has become interested in conversation.

Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Principal Konoe told me you're investigating Shibito's warning letter, yes?"
                  "That's part of it, but right now,
                   I'm looking into the rumors about Hanako of the toilet."
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "They're quite similar. Both are unrealistic hearsay."
                  "In any case, I don't think I have any useful information to share with you."

Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "The warning letter fiasco and the disappearance of a student
                   have left the students feeling anxious."
                  "If left unchecked,
                   this embarrassing state of affairs could become difficult to contain."
                  "Should this happen, Konoehara's good name will become stained."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's why you want to resolve it covertly?"
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Yes, it's as you say."
                  "Please be aware of this and proceed with your investigation with caution."

>Bring up a topic

>Hanako of the toilet
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Every school has its own seven mysteries and ghost stories."
                  "I shouldn't get upset about it, but..."
                  "It is certainly inappropriate to use a recently deceased student
                   as the subject matter of a rumor."

>Hanako Akai
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Ms. Akai was usually a quiet, unassuming student."
                  "However, she shined whenever she played the piano."
                  "She talked about wanting to pursue a career in music in the future...
                   What a shame."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Professor Sakamoto, I heard that you investigated Hanako Akai's suicide."
                  "I'd like to hear more about it. What was the cause of her suicide?"
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  " 'Relationship troubles'. That's what's written on the investigation report."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's pretty ambiguous. It could be taken in any way."

Ritsu Sakamoto:
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Tell me the truth. Was the cause not bullying?"
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Please don't make me repeat myself. It was 'relationship troubles'."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Professor Sakamoto..."
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "If I may take the liberty of imagining what her troubles were..."
                  "I'd say the cause was bullying."

Sakamoto, as a school official, does not want the bullying to go public.
If so, this must be a concession on Sakamoto's part. Now we may be able to hear a lot more things from her.

>Hanako's bullying
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Ms. Akai committed suicide by hanging herself in
                   the women's bathroom of the old building's third floor."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "The third floor? It wasn't the first?"
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Yes, so it seemed, but..."

Last night, I ran into Hanako in the first-floor bathroom.
I thought she committed suicide there, but I was wrong, huh?

Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "When she was found,
                   she was wearing an elementary schooler's red suspender skirt."

Speaking of red skirts with suspenders, that fits Hanako of the toilet's appearance.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Why would she wear such a thing...?"
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Indeed, it's not something you'd wear out of your own volition."
                  "...That's all I can say."

In other words, someone forced Hanako Akai to look like Hanako of the toilet against her will.
Sakamoto implicitly stated that this is proof of her bullying.

>Naomi Horikoshi
Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "Concerning Mr. Akai's suicide,
                   I have a strange story to tell about Ms. Horikoshi."
                  "We interviewed several students after the suicide..."
"Horikoshi never was Akai's best friend."
"She knew Akai was being bullied."
"But, she turned a blind eye. She didn't stop the bullying."

Ritsu Sakamoto:
                  "...So they said. I don't know if that's true or not."

>Leave the conversation
[We immediately go back to the entrance this time]
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "We heard some essential information from Professor Sakamoto, didn't we?
                   Although they were all unsatisfactory."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Honestly, I have to agree."
                  "However, the more they are connected to a spirit's grudge,
                   the more likely they are to be like this."
                  "We have to keep asking, even if we don't want to."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "It's alright, I understand." 

"Information on "Ritsu Sakamoto" has been added to the Character Files."

Ritsu Sakamoto:
 A highly-strung female teacher with a strong sense of discipline. She is a teacher at Konoehara Academy, serving as head of faculty. Due to her position, she keeps an eye on the prestigious school day by day to maintain its order. A realist, her stuffy personality doesn't allow her to believe in psychic phenomena at all. She can tell the protagonist about all the incidents that occurred at the school thus far. PS: Additional pages will be added when conditions are met.

[Back to the hallway, let's look around, maybe there's something new]

[Hey, look at that, she's back]
Himeko Douryou:
                  "Professor Yashiki, thank you for your time. How is the investigation going?"

Himeko Douryou:
                  "Ms. Horikoshi just went into the music room."
                  "Since she's not part of the concert band, I have to wonder, what is she doing?"

>Bring up a topic

[Same thing as with Kinukawa]
>Naomi Horikoshi
Himeko Douryou:
                  "In the first year, I was in the same class as Ms. Horikoshi and Ms. Akai."
                  "It was around that time when they became friends."
                  "Ms. Horikoshi used to listen to Ms. Akai's piano playing
                   in the music room during lunch break."

[That's all we get, time to go inside the music room]

Place: New Building First Floor - Music Room

It doesn't look like anybody's in here. [No difference anywhere too]

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Oh, how strange."
                  "Didn't Douryou-kun say that Horikoshi-kun entered this room?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "This is bothering me... I'll try looking around for a bit."

[We can enter the back door now]

This seems to be the music preparation room
[Sounds of someone searching through the shelves, then sting]
Horikoshi is frantically rifling through the cabinets.
It seems like she's hoping to find something...

Naomi Horikoshi:

                  "Could it be that you're following me?"
                  "Isn't that called stalking? Seriously, that's so gross."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Horikoshi, can we talk-"
[Loud bang]

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Shut up! I don't have anything to say to you!"

[Immediately, we transition to a Suspensive Act, lmao]

Horikoshi is agitated, openly expressing hostility. We need to avoid any more misunderstandings...

>Cooperate with Daimon
>Ai (On Stand-by)
>Cooperate with Ai (On Stand-by)

[Yes, we have five options, but we can't actually choose an action with someone on stand-by]

>Stained Handkerchief

>Show the Handkerchief - Execution Rate 071% - Cost: 01
>Ask if it's her lost property - Execution Rate 066% - Cost: 02

>Cooperate with Daimon
>Stained Handkerchief
>Ask if it's her lost property

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Daimon, could you help me?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yeah, I got it..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Horikoshi, have you lost anything recently?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Indeed, didn't you lose something?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Hah? Something I lost?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I was wondering if you had any idea about this,
                   because I had found a dropped handkerchief..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Oh yes, that handkerchief."

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...Eh? What handkerchief?"

It appears that they are interested in our conversation. Maybe we can talk a little more calmly.
It seems this choice was correct.

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "But are you sure that handkerchief is really mine?"

Horikoshi is still suspicious of me. Then, what should I tell her...?

>Cooperate with Daimon
[I'll ignore the other options from now on]

>Stained Handkerchief

>It was a clean handkerchief - Execution Rate 076% - Cost: 02
>It was a strong-scented handkerchief - Execution Rate 076% - Cost: 02
>It was embroidered with N.H. - Execution Rate 076% - Cost: 02

>Cooperate with Daimon
>Stained Handkerchief
>It was embroidered with N.H.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Daimon, could you help me?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Yeah, I got it..."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Horikoshi, listen well. The lost handkerchief had some embroidery."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "I believe the embroidery said "N.H." in the English alphabet."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Eh? That's would make it my handkerchief..."
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "That's good. So, this handkerchief does belong to you, yes?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...Yeah, I looked for it but couldn't ever find it..."
                  "But, what is this stuff?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Well, I'd like to talk to you about that and a few other things, if you don't mind."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...Alright, if it's only a little..."

Horikoshi has finally calmed down...
It seems this choice was correct.

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...Well then, Professor Yashiki. What do you want to ask me?"

Horikoshi is still wary of us. We must be careful not to offend her.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What were you doing here?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Were you looking for something?"
Naomi Horikoshi:

Horikoshi doesn't seem interested in answering.

>Bring up a topic

>Hanako of the toilet
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...I know of that rumor."
                  "If you write graffiti in the old building's toilets, Hanako will come to you."
                  "But, it's an outright lie. Since nothing appeared."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "In other words, you tried the rumor yourself?"
Naomi Horikoshi:

Horikoshi puts her hands over her mouth. She appears to have realized that she had slipped up.

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...I was grasping at straws."
                  "I really wanted to see Hanako. I didn't care if she was a ghost."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Still, why do such a dangerous thing?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "I have something I really need to tell her."
                  "For that... I'd be willing to be killed by Hanako."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Horikoshi, don't say such a foolish thing."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Haha, a foolish thing, huh? I think you should hear yourself first, Teacher."
                  "By the way, I erased the graffiti I drew right away.
                   I used that handkerchief you found."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "But, Horikoshi, the graffiti was still there."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Yeah, there certainly were some there. Stuff like "You suck at piano"."
                  "Those aren't mine. They were written by other people."
                  "I wanted to erase them, but... the ink was dry,
                   so I could remove only the "Hanako" part."

I see. So that's why only the name was blurred.
I couldn't read the name of the graffiti on the new building either, but that might be Horikoshi's work too.

Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "By the way, Teacher, can I have it back already?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "O-oh, yeah..."

"Lost "Stained Handkerchief"."

>Hanako Akai
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "I met Hanako during the first year. She was a quiet and adorable girl."
                  "I guess you could call her girly. She was the complete opposite of me."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "How did you get to know each other?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Hmph, it's a boring story."
                  "That girl hated milk."
                  "Some idiots found that out and tried to force her to drink it
                   just for the fun of it..."
                  "I ended up drinking it instead of her."
                  "Hanako was so happy... After that, we began to hang out."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "You're pretty kind, aren't you?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...Gross. What the hell."

>Naomi Horikoshi
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Me? My name is Naomi Horikoshi. Student number 24 in class 2-B."
                  "My best subject is English. My worst subject is History.
                   My hobbies are shopping and karaoke."
                  "What else do you want to know? Birth date? Blood type? Three sizes?"
                  "Haha, what a joke."

>Hanako's bullying
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Hey, do you want to know who bullied Hanako?"
                  "Then let me tell you..."
                  "The culprits were the concert band.
                   That bastard Izumi and his entourage of women."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "By Izumi... you mean Toshihiko Izumi?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "That's right. It seems he's not practicing today, though."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What was the cause of the bullying?"
                  "That was... the screening for a piano player to play our school anthem."
                  "Hanako and Izumi competed for the nomination,
                   until Hanako was finally chosen."
                  "That was only natural.
                   That girl loved to play the piano and practiced a bunch for it."
                  "But, Izumi couldn't accept it."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "He was so frustrated with losing that he decided to bully Hanako, huh?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Yeah, exactly that."
                  "The bullying took place in the girls' bathroom in the old building,
                   so that the teachers wouldn't find out."
                  "They scribbled horrible insults and forced Hanako to drink milk."
                  "Hanako couldn't take it anymore, so she ended up turning down the position."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's horrible..."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "No, horrible was what happened after."
                  "Izumi must have been awfully bitter.
                   Because the bullying continued even after she declined."
                  "And in the end... Hanako killed herself."
Kazuo Yashiki:
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "But hey, he got his just-desserts."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "What do you mean?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "You know that girl who went missing? Rumor has it that Hanako killed her."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "That's "Ribbon", correct?"
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Yeah, that's what Shibito's warning said."
                  "I remember one of the women always wore a flashy red ribbon."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I see..."

The first victim, "Ribbon". And the next victim, "Playpiano".
Both were involved in bullying Hanako Akai. It can't be a coincidence.
And the most recent target is "Model"... The person standing before my eyes, Naomi Horikoshi.
Was Hanako's best friend also involved in the bullying?

Kazuo Yashiki:

Horikoshi's anger toward Izumi seems genuine. She doesn't seem to be one of the bullies.
The question is, then, why is she being targeted by Hanako?

[Not even exiting, only leaving this screen]
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "I think we talked enough, Teacher."
                  "Can I go now?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "No, this conversation still isn't over."
                  "I told you in the classroom. Hanako is targeting "Model"."
                  "In other words, you."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "...If so, then what?"
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "I believe we should safeguard you."
Naomi Horikoshi:
                  "Hmph, no thank you."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Please understand, Horikoshi! Your life is at stake!"
Naomi Horikoshi:
[Loud bang]

                  "Don't make me repeat myself! I said I don't want to!"
                  "Just the thought of being protected by an old man gives me goosebumps!"
                  "I'm going! Move outta my way!"
Shuuji Daimon:

Horikoshi sent Daimon flying and left the music preparation room.

Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Are you okay, Daimon!?"
Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Y-yeah... cough-cough"
                  "Fortunately, I wasn't hurt. My heart rate did jump up, though."
Kazuo Yashiki:
                  "Well, I'm glad you're alright."
                  "But now we have a late start... It'll be hard catching up to her."
Shuuji Daimon:

"Information on "Toshihiko Izumi" was added to the Character Files."

Toshihiko Izumi:
 A sophomore student at the Academy. He is a member of the student council and also belongs to the concert band. With a handsome face, he appears to be a friendly guy, but was, in fact, the central figure in the group that abused Hanako and drove her to her death. Suddenly, he went missing and was cruelly killed by Hanako, who had turned into a spirit, just as Shibito had warned beforehand. PS: Additional pages will be added when conditions are met.

"Information on "Warning Letter Addressed to Model" was added to the Spirit Files."

Spirit File - Chapter 2 - Hanako of the Toilet:
 Warning Letter Addressed to Model:
  A new warning letter from Shibito has arrived at the school. The executioner is Hanako, same as last time, and the target is "Model". Rumor has it that Hanako appears when someone scribbles graffiti in the bathrooms. And anyone who encounters her will be killed. If this is the case, we need to find out who this "Model" is before they end up like Izumi did last night.
  From the gossip spread by the students, we learned that Model was "Horikoshi", a second-year student. Apparently, she had been friends with Hanako Akai, who committed suicide, for some time, and the two were close friends. When we met with Horikoshi and actually talked to her, it came to light that the bullying had been carried out in the toilets of the old building, with Izumi playing a central role.
  Hanako was forced to drink milk, which she hated, by Izumi and his group. However, since she killed Izumi in retaliation, Hanako's revenge should have been over. So why is Horikoshi being targeted this time? It seems that there is still some secrecy surrounding Horikoshi and Hanako. That is what we must pursue.

[School announcement systems ring]
"It will soon be school dismissal time."
"All students, please leave at once."

Shuuji Daimon:
                  "Oh, it's already this late."
                  "Yashiki-kun, let's return to the infirmary.
                   We need to prepare for tonight's investigation."

[I'll end it here, we've reached the end of the day segment, and this post's gotten pretty long too. We've got a better understanding of Hnako's and Horikoshi's relationship, but the question of why did rumors of her negligence spread remains. Also, it'll be in the next post where we'll learn about the leveling-up system and equipment, which sounds like nonsense for this series, but it'll make a bit of sense when we get to it.]

Anyway, see you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! It's interesting how the story is developing.
